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yep love it 3500 shares

Bitcoin Daily Updated

Posted by RP on 29th of Jan 2021 at 08:12 am

yep love it 3500 shares BTBT and 2000 shares in MARA plus roth accts etc  and yes you mentioned them in newsletter and i was thinking same thing thanks steve

new break out number on

Posted by RP on 29th of Jan 2021 at 08:11 am

new break out number on gold is 1880 over that we see1950-2000 oz i have all kinds small miners and the silj and gdxj ..looks like th =e bitcoin rotation i talked about yesterday is happening loaded up on BTBT and MARA look like the open big this morning also buying uranium stocks and in xle .

its not like we are not already pissed they keep pushing us they wont like what happens next ............assholes in power are trying to nix the little guy!!

picked up 50 calls on

Posted by RP on 28th of Jan 2021 at 09:52 am

picked up 50 calls on gdxj yesterday and 50 calls on XLE this will be year of commodities JO is setting up here but options have to much of a spread. gold takes out 1890 on up side we will hit 2000.00  ok off to my church building a playground for the kids

nothing free period have to win that back no worries it will all implode

once the  the gang gets

Posted by RP on 28th of Jan 2021 at 08:43 am

once the  the gang gets done wrecking hedge funds i think they will be right back in bitcoin bought mara and btbt yesterday as well will set

yep bought in all my

PAAS SILJ up about 5% in pre market

Posted by RP on 28th of Jan 2021 at 08:42 am

yep bought in all my accts yesterday silver used in solar panels

yep made money anyway all that matters

damn sold to early but

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 03:38 pm

damn sold to early but win is a win

sold out uvxy and tza

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 02:11 pm

sold out uvxy and tza and spy to good not to take

itis on my radar but i am waiting for FOMC meeting

i just looked on vectovest

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 12:55 pm

i just looked on vectovest they have aa value on GME at 4.41  hello that is based on numerous fundmentals etc

yep the fiber cables need

SPX 5 min

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 12:50 pm

yep the fiber cables need to be increased you have all these folks at home pushing buttons and more coming looks like interesting time to say the least

these guys arguing on cnbc

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 12:32 pm

these guys arguing on cnbc about free markets WHAT! someone needs to ask the FED about free mkts

looks like he is in hiding dont see him on

well i listen to the boyz here i put on hedges already i dont like chasing..i have 100 calls on tza 7500 shares of uvxy and 5 puts on spy so i wil just set ..just talked with my son he is cfa bond analyst at vanguard he says some hedge already blown up looks like more coming

i like that chart steve

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 12:02 pm

i like that chart steve posted last night with 300 points down on the spx

ok halftime report is coming

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 11:58 am

ok halftime report is coming on cnbc lets see if that dude i think his name is weize is on to mkae up some story how he got out of GME puts

just be patient your in the right place right here steve and matt have horse sense

a lot these sites and

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 11:46 am

a lot these sites and newsletters etc are front running these stocks


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