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we have 10 yearolds asking

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 11:23 am

we have 10 yearolds asking about reddit and game stop that tell you anything..may have some hedge funds blow up here as well

everyone be careful here bounce

SFIX wow

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 11:19 am

everyone be careful here bounce may be a sucker punch

you get that on reddit

SNOW massive short float...ready to fly

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 11:18 am

you get that on reddit

check out DDD and PLAY

SFIX wow

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 10:32 am

check out DDD and PLAY

well they stepping in trying

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 10:30 am

well they stepping in trying to control the move down as usual let's see if it is different this time....

etrade locked up REALLY!

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 09:39 am

etrade locked up REALLY!

go look at the shows he said it right on cnbc see if he gets asked about on the show today i cant set in front of a frikin computer all i have things to do but would be interesting to see i wasnt here yesterday show on 10 am my time mtn ,,

feel sorry for the squirrel

Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2021 at 09:05 am

feel sorry for the squirrel on halftime report that bragged about buying puts on gme when it went negative on the show the otherday. he is the curly headed dude man that has to be ugly.

long uvxy and tza calls and spy puts

check out DDD and DM

Posted by RP on 25th of Jan 2021 at 10:01 am

check out DDD and DM 3d printing this is the wave of the future..

i like this dude he is right all about trying to control wont work though we still have folks with a spine! gold target by end of this year 2300.00 i plan to be along for the ride. now if the dumbasses pass 44% cap gains tax what is the point of trading to make them money that could effect the mkts bigtime. also everything returns to the mean ...reversion to means so yes who can time that the point is have protection. i had 7500 shares of uvxy last days of feb. 2020 and i was rolling and decided i would sell well we know what happened went to what 140.00 as memery serves not saying i would have held on but still would have protected my acct. we are in era of not free capital markets  they are being run by the boyz the swamp and the fed so i will just take my piece of the pie and yes remember 99-2000 seems kinda the same mkts are casinos now ...

yeah anytime the ARKK lady gets on it the wackers run um up GMEwas short squeeze ride the train

if you recognize it ...than its over haha

Grandma wasnt the first the

GBTC Daily View

Posted by RP on 21st of Jan 2021 at 03:01 pm

Grandma wasnt the first the brits central bank brought it up couple weeks ago. picked up BTBT at the lows this morning 2000 shares up nice already see if stays that way.

Hung in there with ALSN

Posted by RP on 21st of Jan 2021 at 02:58 pm

Hung in there with ALSN starting to make a move here finally ..great transmissions have two i own personally .

picked up gdxj calls at

Posted by RP on 20th of Jan 2021 at 09:42 am

picked up gdxj calls at the close yesterday and another 3d printer co like DDD ....Symbol DM . the gdxj is a trade i still think we could go even lower on gold i still have a weekly sell but daily buy i will trade this move than get out

man i really appreciate the

Posted by RP on 15th of Jan 2021 at 12:06 pm

man i really appreciate the fund managers coming on cnbc saying it is now ok for the mkt to go down now ...interesting wonder who gave them permission ...

bought 100 calls june on

Posted by RP on 15th of Jan 2021 at 09:31 am

bought 100 calls june on tza yesterday still long uvxy.. on gold i sold at last move up 1950 or so cashed out as i posted couple weeks ago will; be buying opportunity in gold looking to get back in around 1800 than up into mid feb.

Man looks like i missed

Posted by RP on 14th of Jan 2021 at 03:37 pm

Man looks like i missed the DDD reload

Matt thanks for the SFIX

Posted by RP on 14th of Jan 2021 at 03:33 pm

Matt thanks for the SFIX trade cashed in 6k on 5 calls !!


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