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TLT broke below 155

Posted by RP on 6th of Jan 2021 at 09:32 am

TLT broke below 155

so solar up bitcoin up

Posted by RP on 6th of Jan 2021 at 08:45 am

so solar up bitcoin up uranium stocks up and weed what is the message of the market here.

Gee i wonder why!  

Cannabis stocks up premarket.

Posted by RP on 6th of Jan 2021 at 08:26 am

Gee i wonder why!  

also in NOG having nice

Posted by RP on 5th of Jan 2021 at 11:19 am

also in NOG having nice day i have calls

yep happy with my profit

SPX comments

Posted by RP on 5th of Jan 2021 at 11:17 am

yep happy with my profit why i am here always some way to make money in the room!

took spy short off 2

Posted by RP on 5th of Jan 2021 at 10:31 am

took spy short off 2 hour chart matt talked about last night she how she goes

those were not cheap...i prefer

21 Million guns sold in 2020

Posted by RP on 4th of Jan 2021 at 05:24 pm

those were not cheap...i prefer the indiana jones approach

when my gut says sell i sell i dont care if it doubles i made money i didnt lose it its about the bottom line..

gdxj retest the break i will get back in

i am out sold uvxy

Posted by RP on 4th of Jan 2021 at 03:00 pm

i am out sold uvxy gdxj kc ng kgc tza sol  in cash what a way to start the year i will watch and take it in happy with locking in as all were options you make big moves you take the money and run!!

trading SOL again today nice

Posted by RP on 4th of Jan 2021 at 02:18 pm

trading SOL again today nice trader and know it isnt SOL it is solar co. haha

i know my buddy owns

21 Million guns sold in 2020

Posted by RP on 4th of Jan 2021 at 02:17 pm

i know my buddy owns a gun shop been after him tuff to get glad i have what i have

somone is making alot money

Posted by RP on 4th of Jan 2021 at 01:58 pm

somone is making alot money on gun sales for sure...

21 Million guns sold in

Posted by RP on 4th of Jan 2021 at 12:06 pm

21 Million guns sold in 2020

ETHE not making sense ...i

More digital currency stuff

Posted by RP on 4th of Jan 2021 at 10:06 am

ETHE not making sense ...i have been watching it myself

no kidding i left 14k


Posted by RP on 4th of Jan 2021 at 09:41 am

no kidding i left 14k on the table here

UVXY is up here i

Posted by RP on 4th of Jan 2021 at 09:41 am

UVXY is up here i am in that and TZA just waiting ...

wow cramer good the full

Posted by RP on 4th of Jan 2021 at 09:12 am

wow cramer good the full dye job haha

Well i am happy camper

Posted by RP on 4th of Jan 2021 at 09:06 am

Well i am happy camper this morning gold up 50.00 nice start to 2021. i think we get a pop here than mid month pullback than we take out 2000.00 big year coming in gold !! also silver i think Matt is right commodities will  be good theme for 2021.


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