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posted AKAM chart for long on 8/9, turned out well


Posted by sue2 on 21st of Aug 2010 at 09:49 am

has been a steady riser over the last 2 weeks, may be over now though.

thanks for the charts


Posted by sue2 on 20th of Aug 2010 at 10:33 pm

GROW looks like it's coming to the end of the triangle and going to break up or down sometime next week.  Thanks for all your charts pointing out the breakpoints, rank10.  Steve and Matt do a great job, but this community is the best at helping with additional great analysis and charts during the weekend and week, like mhordila's extensive big picture charts every weekend, marketguy's full range of extensive charts with bearish wishful thinking, rp, ditch, and everyone else are terrific.

5 min chart

Posted by sue2 on 20th of Aug 2010 at 10:34 am$SPX&p=5&b=3&g=0&i=p22785185334&a=191691108&r=1012

the 60 stochastics has tested and failed getting back over 20 once already today, MACD still hasn't turned up, but there is pos. divergence on the histogram and RSI.  would like to see MACD turn up as 14 and 60 stos push above 20, could be a good long entry.



Posted by sue2 on 20th of Aug 2010 at 10:30 am

did a search on copper here and on the net, and according to the seasonality of copper on average over the last 40 years, it regularly consolidates and pulls back from August to October.

must be kidding? kia buying ferrari?

NVDA followed through

Posted by sue2 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 04:38 pm

IBM is a 162 billion dollar tech company, one of the biggest in the world.  NVDA is a 5 billion dollar graphics card company.  Closer to Toyota buying Tesla, or Apple buying AMD.

USO getting close

Posted by sue2 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 02:37 pm

60 period sto is close to getting over 20, but it also was on SPX earlier today before it acted as resistance, and be careful of a selloff into close with 14 sto getting overbought and coming back down again.  Still one to watch for a break in the next day or early next week, pos. div. on the MACD and RSI too.

3X Funds

Posted by sue2 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 02:21 pm

or instead of going long the TYO-Direxion 10-Year Treasury Bear 3X Shares, or TMV-Direxion Daily 30-Year Treasury Bear 3X Shares, go short the TYD-10 year Bullish 3X shares, or TMF-30 year bullish 3X shares.  This way you will gain by the short and by the erosion also helping the short if you hold it several weeks or months.  Just have to wait until the signals say it's time to enter the trade.


time is an unknown....

5 min. Renko Buy signal. spy

Posted by sue2 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 02:05 pm

I shouldn't have stated a time, or thought of the index ETF like a stock.  Was just measuring the 2.50+ or so difference below the possible neckline of 107.50, and thinking of it like a stock dropping below the breakpoint, but very doubtful that the index could make that kind of additional move today, maybe not even tomorrow, even if it broke the neckline.

Double head and shoulders?

5 min. Renko Buy signal. spy

Posted by sue2 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 01:36 pm

definitely looks like there is support at the double bottom in the 107.50 area from Monday.   But if this is just a right shoulder of a double head and shoulder pattern, or the M pattern I mentioned earlier, and it churns out a right shoulder before breaking under the 107.50 neckline, could drop quickly later today or tomorrow to 105.

looked at your pic with the post and states rates too for real time quotes.  I always thought it was real time there for free.  what is RT scanning, rp?

can use single leveraged funds

Posted by sue2 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 12:21 pm

SH is inverse single leveraged fund for SPX, and if you worry about erosion of double and triple leveraged funds, do what Matt and Steve say, short the opposite one.  Go short FAS or TNA during a pullback, then you will get the benefit of a gain in your account during the pullback, and if you hold them for an extended period of time the erosion is in your favor too.  

I wasn't suggesting going long anything today, since 85-90% of all stocks follow the general markets, but during the up times in the market, invest in sectors that are outperforming, instead of nat gas stocks, which usually seem to underperform, as I've lost money on them too averaging in or going long stocks or options in that sector with no luck over the years.  

On this chart of the SPX for the last few months, could've gone long or short on pos./neg. div in MACD, cross up or down overbought/oversold on the 60 period sto lining up with the 14 and crossovers of the MAs.  You won't catch tops and bottoms, but the middle 70% or so.  Short early May, long early June, short mid June, and long from early July until over a week ago, then short again.$SPX&p=D&yr=0&mn=6&dy=0&id=p74757740576

Did a search for UNG, trying to find a link to a chart for it, and many times in the search saw posts from Steve, Matt, and several others saying they don't trade UNG because it's such a terrible ETF to trade, and I've found that too over the years.  Also some of the nat gas stocks, from Chesapeake to many others, react badly on the supply news Wed. and Thursday, and are hard to trade.  Matt, Steve, rp, rank10 and many others have so many good stocks or trades during the week, sometimes just for a quick trade, and can trade the index ETFs for several day or couple week moves.  Why trade the nat. gas stocks that regularly underperform, when you can trade gold or agriculture stocks that have been outperforming recently? 

M pattern on 15 min?

wave C rally starting NOW

Posted by sue2 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 11:17 am

not sure if it was here, and on other longer charts like 60 min, daily or weekly, but have seen price action in a W pattern to be bullish, it takes off after that to the upside.  Isn't this the inverse of that on the current 15 min chart, a good looking M pattern, which would be bearish if it plays out?

have to be today?

wave C rally starting NOW

Posted by sue2 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 11:01 am$SPX&p=15&yr=0&mn=0&dy=14&i=p52919016911&a=191967918&r=4921

not sure it has to be today.  on the 5 min chart I posted the address for earlier and the 15 min chart above, the histogram and MACD are going lower, and the 89 and 144 stochastics may need to get below 20.  Could take until tomorrow or later today, for a lower push on the SPX to set up pos. divergence on the MACD and histogram too, before a reversal.

spx 5 min chart 60 stochastics

Posted by sue2 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 10:27 am$SPX&p=5&b=3&g=0&i=p22785185334&a=191691108&r=1012

I always keep tabs on the SPX 5 min chart during the trading day, and the 60 period stochastics crossing above 20 or below 80.  It looked like it was going to go above 20 and signal a move up, but failed at that level a few minutes ago, at least delaying any upward move for now.

philly fed # tanked futures

Posted by sue2 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 10:04 am

WOW!  worst in a year, that really sent the futures and market spiraling down.  Bet Steve was figuring the futures support and resistance, when that number blew them up, had to create a whole new set.  

thanks steve, futures supp/res.?


Posted by sue2 on 19th of Aug 2010 at 09:57 am

thanks for pointing that out Steve, back to trading help and charts.  What do you or Matt see with the gap fade or fill indicators, and what are the futures support and resistance points?  Thanks.

Title: Russell 2000 futures specs

Posted by sue2 on 18th of Aug 2010 at 03:51 pm
Title: Russell 2000 futures specs and questions

BSDM update

Posted by sue2 on 18th of Aug 2010 at 03:13 pm

was in a bear flag from 12 to 2, then sailed to new highs at 3.58 and only a little below that now, closed yesterday at 1.13, opened today at 1.60 right after I posted it was way up in pre-market on an FDA approval.  Had some vol. increase today, usually 100,000 daily, about a 22,000% increase in volume today.  Not seeing any neg. divergence on the RSI or MACD...heehee.

BSDM Around $3 now

Small stock BSDM up 50% pre-market

Posted by sue2 on 18th of Aug 2010 at 12:25 pm

posted this small stock at 9:30 taking off on FDA approval in pre-market, opened at 1.60, made it up over 3  a little while ago, and is still hanging around 3 now, on almost 12 mil shares today, usually has around 100,000 daily.


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