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BBs tightening

updated 5 min SPX chart

Posted by sue2 on 26th of Aug 2010 at 01:33 pm

Looking at 2 and 5 min charts of the Russell index and futures, and the dollar-@DX, the BBs are all getting very tight.  Can you show them on the 5 min SPX please?  Definitely looks like a small head and shoulders.

thanks for the information.  I know you can put in a sell order at a certain price if it drops to that level, but was thinking of stop losses like with stocks when you enter the trade.  Is the blog broken, hardly any posts in over 20 minutes?  Either everyone's glued to the market or taking a lunch break.

market divergences

Posted by sue2 on 26th of Aug 2010 at 11:23 am

Seems like the Russell is trying to hang in there and stronger than the other markets today, and was the strongest yesterday.

Just a mental stop?  thought there otherwise isn't a way to put stops on options like with stocks. 

EGO long idea

Posted by sue2 on 26th of Aug 2010 at 04:07 am

Missed a lot of this move, but could break out to new highs and keep going if gold keeps rising.

15 min VIX update

VIX 15 min

Posted by sue2 on 25th of Aug 2010 at 02:08 pm$VIX&p=15&yr=0&mn=0&dy=14&i=p24091931059&a=150915408&r=2538

longer period stos went below 80 and MACD crossed down, filled today's gap up, but the 14 period stochastics is oversold and may turn up soon.


Double Black Diamond !!

Posted by sue2 on 25th of Aug 2010 at 01:55 pm

Great chart and analysis, ditch.  thanks very much for showing and explaining it.

SPX 5 min just broke up through trendline

Posted by sue2 on 25th of Aug 2010 at 01:44 pm$SPX&p=5&b=3&g=0&i=p22785185334&a=191691108&r=1012

in the last few minutes......

VIX 15 min

Posted by sue2 on 25th of Aug 2010 at 10:48 am$VIX&p=15&yr=0&mn=0&dy=10&i=p24091931059&a=150915408&r=2538

Like seeing the neg. div. on the RSI and MACD, but would feel better going long if the longer period stos went below 80 too.

ULE-opposite of EUO


Posted by sue2 on 25th of Aug 2010 at 10:39 am

If the EUO is/has broken down out of the bearish rising wedge and going to pullback, would it make sense to invest in the opposite ETF, ULE, the 2x bullish euro proshares fund?  May need to see the MACD and RSI turn up, and the 60 period stochastics bounce off 50, also look at 60 min and other charts, the one above is a daily.

possible short-BVF under 22 and 60 sto < 80

Posted by sue2 on 25th of Aug 2010 at 09:39 am

this has been on a big run for months, support all August has been 22, RSI and MACD are weakening, would like to wait for a break and hold under this previous 22 support, and probably a break under 80 for the 60 period sto too.

abc could go to 1067-8 and fill today's gap


Posted by sue2 on 24th of Aug 2010 at 01:27 pm

If this is an ABC starting at the lows of the day, then A would have been from the 1046 low to the 1060 high = 14 points, then B may have ended just under 1054 a few minutes ago, so C may end at 1067-8, 14 points above the 1053-4 low of B, and fill today's gap. if A = C.

not sure but....


Posted by sue2 on 24th of Aug 2010 at 01:06 pm

If it was an ABC and not the 5 wave pattern Steve showed on his 1 min SPX chart, wouldn't the high of C have been the 1060 high of the day so far instead of 1058?  Thought an ABC pattern ends with C at the high or low of the pattern, depending on which way it's going.   But I'm not an expert, if that's not correct, please let me/us know.   Also, Steve, showing the wedge and move up in 5 waves, is that the high for the wave 4 pullback, and we're now beginning wave 5 down?  Thanks.

14, 60 stos back up through 20

Posted by sue2 on 23rd of Aug 2010 at 11:49 am

60 actually bounced off 20 on 5 min chart. any projections or fibs on how far a move this could be today?  the newsletter and Steve's 15 min chart had pullback first to Friday's lows, then a move back up beyond Friday's late rally tomorrow or later.  could this be it already?  on the 15 min, 14 sto is back to oversold and lining up with the longer ones from oversold, while the 60, 89 and 144 seem to be trying to bounce off 20. 

Stockcharts Working Now

Posted by sue2 on 23rd of Aug 2010 at 11:24 am

Have several stockcharts tabs and they all came up with each refresh and no dragged out lines for the last 5 minutes. 

Can someone else verify that it's working?  Thanks.

over .40

Big rise in dollar since 10AM killing markets

Posted by sue2 on 23rd of Aug 2010 at 11:06 am

almost half a cent now in an hour, sometimes that kind of move takes a day, gone parabolic since 10 looking at a 15 min chart, coinciding with the reversal. Getting an inverted hammer/red candle on this latest bar, may get some consolidation/pullback on the dollar, and possibly some pos divergence and a little push back up in the markets.

Big rise in dollar since 10AM killing markets

Posted by sue2 on 23rd of Aug 2010 at 10:55 am

the dollar has taken off since 10 on a rapid large move up, killing the EUR/USD, and the EUR/JPY, which leads the markets.

50% fib reversal

Posted by sue2 on 23rd of Aug 2010 at 10:07 am

on the 5 min SPX chart, looks like it made it to the 50% fib and reversed so far, but it's early.   Right after it did, the 14 and 60 stochastics went below 80, then the stockcharts server went down, have to use another platform, or something else.  Writing at the same time you were, Steve. 

yes, same thing


Posted by sue2 on 23rd of Aug 2010 at 10:01 am

and the indicators drag out too, must be problems with their server, first time I've ever seen this.

15 and 30 for RUT


Posted by sue2 on 23rd of Aug 2010 at 09:42 am$RUT&p=30&yr=0&mn=1&dy=8&i=p66602375205&a=192139008&r=7009$RUT&p=15&yr=0&mn=0&dy=11&i=p05263537268&a=193822610&r=1386

Have to copy and paste these, 15 and 30 for RUT.


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