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Hi Matt: Am unable to find the download link for Tradestation. The link for Ninja works well.  Thanks,


Great. Thanks Matt and Murphy.

Still learning. Matt's video the other day and screenshots have been helpful!


Hi Matt: Would the wick of the red candle (the candle which broke the PP, 2 candles before your trigger candle), have triggered an entry on the 50% rule and then a subsequent stop out? Did this meet the entry requirements?

Nice one Matt.

That required quite some patience in stalking the correct entry and not chasing price and entering at a non optimal time!!

Nicely done! Congrats!!

Happy New Year to everyone

Happy New Year

Posted by nickross on 31st of Dec 2013 at 11:30 pm

Happy New Year to everyone @ BPT!! 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Matt, Steve, James and everyone! 

Wishing you all an Awesome 2014!

Hi Matt: 

In one of the earlier versions of the BPT MA Indicator, you had it turn Blue at times between Green and Red. 

Have you removed this logic from the new version? Does it make sense having the indicator turn Blue or to remove it completely?


Title: Happy Holidays!

Thanks Matt.  Quick question: Are you


Posted by nickross on 12th of Dec 2013 at 10:37 pm

Thanks Matt. 

Quick question: Are you not going to use the Blue color based on RSI getting oversold / overbot? 

One version of the older indicator had it turn blue in between red and green at times based on RSI being overbot or oversold if I am not mistaken?

Nice improvements Matt! Looking forward to it.


Gmail Inbox settings

Posted by nickross on 3rd of Nov 2013 at 01:38 am
Title: Reverting to original Gmail layout

Awesome Matt! 

 Thank you,


Thanks Matt.


That helps.


Actually my question was whether the BPT MA Indicator applied to the ES will be more responsive than the SPX Cash since ES trades 24 hours.

Now that I think about it, perhaps at times the indicator will hurt as well, especially if the overnight moves in the ES are reversed.

It is when the overnight moves stick, that maybe BPT MA on ES will be a better indicator than on SPX Cash.

BPT MA Indicator on ES

Posted by nickross on 31st of Oct 2013 at 09:04 am
Title: BPT MA Indicator on ES

Cool.....Thanks Matt!

Daily Pivots

Posted by nickross on 28th of Oct 2013 at 12:10 am

Cool.....Thanks Matt!

Thanks Matt.  Is this available in

Daily Pivots

Posted by nickross on 27th of Oct 2013 at 11:21 pm

Thanks Matt. 

Is this available in TradeStation? I show only the Floor Trader Pivots in TS, which are for intra day.  

Also, do you know how these daily pivots are calculated? Especially the 1779 pivot which is above the all time highs? 

Thank you,

Daily Pivots

Posted by nickross on 27th of Oct 2013 at 10:19 am
Title: Matt: How did you get the Daily Pivots?

BPT MA Indicator

BPT MA Deluxe comments

Posted by nickross on 27th of Sep 2013 at 10:54 am
Title: Trending Market


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