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Bears are all broke

Still no bears?

Posted by gabebristow on 20th of Nov 2009 at 12:38 pm

just kidding, but I am sure a lot have been injured by this crazy arse market

All I can remember at University is being taught "Be Proactive not Reactive",  and now I keep thinking,  that's good in Business but WTF about me.  Profits equal success.  Period.  Blank the top pick, blank the bottom, trend friend, trend friend, just get a piece of the action....

Systems SRS #1

Posted by gabebristow on 17th of Nov 2009 at 03:15 pm

The systems had there worst run previously right before the big move on March 9th.

I think most show the biggest drawdowns of March 3 or close to it.  So keep that in mind.  I imagine this top will take even longer with all the money and such being thrown at the market.  Later G

server problem

Posted by gabebristow on 16th of Nov 2009 at 02:26 pm

they have it identified and will fix soon..

Well I guess!

Thinking More Upside

Posted by gabebristow on 12th of Nov 2009 at 12:04 am

Thinking More Upside

Posted by gabebristow on 11th of Nov 2009 at 10:37 pm

looking up to me

ohhh, youse guyz playin that too


Posted by gabebristow on 11th of Nov 2009 at 09:27 pm

I was that odder green bar to the right, please excuse my inconsolences...

I have a medium sized acct for my systems trades and bascially wanted to make some substantial returns this month.  My goal was to make the cash so I could cover all the code work.   Then I caught whipsaw central and basically got a case of whip lash.   So now I guess I'll just double up my positions and pray for surf.

no big deal, the cumulative effect works pretty solid on these things anyway if you catch em right.


I was just trying to show the difference between emotional and non emotional trading. 

Systems or not, you still check your acct everynight right?

Or during the day when the market rallies and your short, emotion still arises.


That  is all, hope everyone trades well

My sim acct was almost devistated last week..........

yeah it is all good

SRS sell off?

Posted by gabebristow on 30th of Oct 2009 at 03:54 pm

srs reported better than expected earning from decay.  but as a surprise also stated that the entire commercial re market is better than expected.

Matt's comments

srs swing trade systems

Posted by gabebristow on 22nd of Oct 2009 at 08:41 pm

I think whenever he is typing and says that it might jinx the systems, to promptly hit the backspace button and pretend it was never typed.  My opposite indicator for the system is close to clearing resistence.  Just kidding.  Hopefully this market will ingest some more helium and get us out with 17% gains.  And it will all be but a memory

 thought about this all weekend,” Cramer told Curry. “I do not want to say these things on TV...Whatever money you may need for the next five years, please take it out of the stock market right now, this week. I do not believe that you should risk those assets in the stock market right now"...

“I don’t care where stocks have been, I care where they’re going, and I don’t want people to get hurt in the market,” Cramer told Curry. “I’m worried about unemployment, I’m worried about purchases that you may need. I can’t have you at risk in the stock market.”

Still, those with the assets — and the stomach — to ride out the stock market’s ups and down over a five-year period might be best served by holding their nose and holding onto their stocks.

“I think what you have to do, if you can withstand it, is just ride it out,” Cramer said.

Why does Cramer think you should get out now? Because the market could decline 20% from here.  That's possibly the worst justification for selling medium-term holdings we've ever heard. (The market could ALWAYS decline 20% from here. And it's already down 35% from the peak.)

If you don't need twenty percent of your money in the next five years then leave it in the stock market"................  Today show producers and Ann Curry wait for the punch line.......   wait for it......   Nope this idiot Cramer just told our Country to sell off....   Nice.   So I gave him strike one and two on that one, then Jon Stewart goes off on the DB (Jersey Slang), and he basically has no rebuttall.  Looks like a guy that works for Cnbc and is more interested in his own returns (not stocks but ratings) than the people that go Booo yaah...   Now here's my point... not to mock Cramer but rather turn the boob tube off, spend thirty to forty minutes a night and make your own choices for the rest of your life.  It's just that easy, no but once you can commit to it and believe in it, that is truly freedom...  And freedom can happen anywhere except for some places that don't allow it.  CNBC is the enemy not Cramer.  Brissi Out

what about our sim accounts

aig system question

Posted by gabebristow on 11th of Oct 2009 at 01:51 am

BPNYA Daily, NYSI, and Nasi Rolled short

Posted by gabebristow on 1st of Oct 2009 at 08:44 pm

All have confirmations of ADX, MACD's and many other good sell signals.  I am short.  Good luck to each of you

stock charts up

Posted by gabebristow on 28th of Sep 2009 at 10:20 am


I concur

blank itty blank blank to StockCharts!

Posted by gabebristow on 28th of Sep 2009 at 10:03 am

I am going to demand three months of service free or lack there of

If you trade the systems with a mechanical device you will have nearly exact returns.  If you trade manually, you will not have the same returns, but good ones nonetheless

Define Normal

Subprime index (ABX)...

Posted by gabebristow on 16th of Sep 2009 at 11:51 pm

I feel your pain, especially back in April and May.  But I think the important thing to remember is ...... You can't fight it.... seriously no matter what worked yesterday might not work today..  One of the main things that helped me this week to is just to cut your position size as well.  If you are wrong you are wright and if you are right well then there you go..  Good luck and all that jazz


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