mining stocks

Posted by matt on 19th of Jan 2023 at 10:46 am

GDX - Chart Link- remember guys, this area is an an uptrend - if you are swinging these be careful in reacting to day to day noise. I played dust as a hedge to my positions so that I did not lose those positions. What I didn't want to do is sell positions I worked hard to establish over the last couple months and sell them because I thought they might pull back for a couple days - trade your plan

EQX - Chart Link-coming out of that base

BTG - Chart Link-

NEM - Chart Link-

AGI - Chart Link- this one has a cup and handle potential on the weekly

SPX Views and comments

Posted by matt on 18th of Jan 2023 at 05:03 pm

$SPX - Chart Link- 2hr view, shows both options: 1 the pullback will form a higher low, perhaps an ABC to around 3900 then rally. Option 2 shows a symmetry pullback that would go much deeper

$SPX - Chart Link- 30 min wedge played out very well

$SPX - Chart Link- daily chart, price lost the 200 day MA once again and reversed at the long downtrend line, closing right at the 50 day MA

yep - again it's relative to the time frame you are following. Long term it's in an uptrend, short term it was extended and may be due for consolidation perhaps that move was a wave B on the daily and needs a wave C? If one has a long term position that they established way in July or January of last year, you may or may not want to react to a short term pullback and lose your position - or you may wish to hedge that position with ERY. And if you are short term with no swing position, then yes was a good short - it's relative 

just like NINE, it's given some short opportunities along the way, but the trend has been strongly to the upside since early Oct - if one bought at in the 4's with the intention of holding it for a trend, worrying about the small pullbacks may have resulted in losing that position 7 or 10 points ago. 

again no one right answer - well the right answer is what matches your plan and time frame: day trader, short term trader, swing trade, position trade, hybrid trader etc

GDX uptrend stops

Posted by matt on 13th of Jan 2023 at 10:04 am

GDX - Chart Link- again guys, lot of folks focus and get caught up in day trading, but it's nice if you can swing trade some instruments that you know are uptrending, and not all excited on a one day up move exiting and losing your position. 

GDX has been in an uptrend - we correctly labeled the low in late Sept as a wave 5 - so we knew that it had potential to enter a new uptrend. 

The breakout occurred in early November - a wide initial stop would have been set at the lows. Then simply moved up to each new higher low, has been 4 of them. 

The strategy I like to employ is catching the first move with a larger position, then I sell some shares maybe 1/2 or even 2/3. I can't help but taking some profits, it's just my style and fits my psychology - but then I try to keep at least a 1/4 of the position and just let it ride - and sometimes I'm able to let it ride for months


Posted by matt on 13th of Jan 2023 at 09:56 am

RLX - Chart Link- one from Wednesday - testing downtrend line, was lower risk yesterday for some share though

ANGI follow up

Posted by matt on 13th of Jan 2023 at 09:56 am

ANGI - Chart Link- Yesterday ANGI was a nice trade - but hope you sold some shares on Angie's List yesterday while it was up

it may attempt to find some support here on the retest of the breakpoint trendline

yeah that thing has been a dog for the last 2 months - that's why you don't buy something and not set a stop. 

but yeah doji yesterday, very very oversold - was a lower risk entry off that. some reversion to mean bounce here  - but long term it needs work, and the first stop would be breaking downtrend symmetry, for now maybe you can get a reversion to mean bounce

I came up with a new sub system - CLICK TO EXPAND

Posted by matt on 11th of Jan 2023 at 09:51 am

setting this as Sticky for a bit so that it's not buried 

I came up with a new sub system - I will probably call it Bear Long Bull - and yes that name is a contraction or doesn't make any sense but the reason why is because it's essentially the bear long logic with the bear filter removed and only allowed to take trades when price is above the 200 day MA etc

the bear long uses a handful of indicators that have to all get oversold at once, and it's not easy for that to happen. Furthermore, whenever these indicators align, a trade is ONLY allowed if price has been below the 200 day MA and the slope of the 200 day MA is negative. 

I know that getting all those indicators oversold at the same time is not common, and I had the thought: what would the strategy look like if I removed the 200 day MA filter portion - the results are that for the SPY - the number of total trades goes up from 80 to 200!  And the total profit goes up over 50%. See image, I show some trades that trigger on shallow pullbacks in a strong uptrend - these COULD NOT occur when the bear setting is on.

So, I created a new strategy where I can turn off the below 200 day MA filter and negative slope portion. The reason why I created a new system is because I want to use different settings for the indicators for both strategies. For example, the stats I'm showing here use the same settings across the board - but it makes sense to use different setting for the bear long trigger when price is uptrending in a bull market, vs when price is way below the 200 day MA and you are in a bear market.  Anyway, always cool to come up with a new system that gives additional good trades - obviously this bear long bull would not be able to trigger since price is well below the 200 day MA but in the future we can use it, or use it on other uptrending ETF's

the images show an example of the bear long bull triggering in an uptrending market, the 2nd image shows the stats of the current bear long, and the 3rd image shows the stats when the bear filter is removed and all trades are allowed to occur - again as I explained above, to me conceptually it doesn't make sense to use the same settings across the board - which is why I created the new strategy and will test it for different indicator settings - generally I'm targeting greater than a profit factor of 10 for strategies we use and hopefully a lot higher than that

XBI Biotech

Posted by matt on 10th of Jan 2023 at 06:07 pm

XBI - Chart Link- had a decent day today, still in this coiling range. It's been consolidation and chopping around in this range for months - eventually when it finally does breakout it should be a trending strong move. 

for now I favor it breakout out, could have stop basically at Today's lows if long some early

SPX 5 min

Posted by matt on 9th of Jan 2023 at 01:05 pm

$SPX - Chart Link intra dya that was the largest pullback but not over last couple of days

price fiddling around the VWAP area, and still holding the 50 SMA on the 5 min period. MACD has recycled back to zero, though the 60 Stochastisc is below the 80% level, which usually doesn't happen on the trend day pullback, so we'll see...

gold has been an easy swing, as have the stocks - again just gotta ignore the noise day to day - if it's down one day - don't freak out and lose your positions - stops should be commensurate with the swing trade uptrend if that's why you are in them 

over the years my biggest mistake was not having my stops and time frame match up - if I was in a swing trade, having my stops too tight where I would get stopped out of noise. 

again that's why you follow your plan, whatever it is, 

GDX and US Dollar

Posted by matt on 3rd of Jan 2023 at 11:03 am

GDX - Chart Link- today today, off the highs, the test and rejection of that trendline helps to validate that pattern

UUP - Chart Link- dollar up today

UUP - Chart Link- weekly found support at that 50 week EMA in red

NINE follow up with stops educational

Posted by matt on 30th of Dec 2022 at 09:52 am

NINE - Chart Link- at this point with that bounce off the 9 EMA swing stops can be moved up to Wednesday's lows

look over the chart, see all those arrows - that's an example of how you can stay long a stock for a long period of time in an uptrend and raise stop over time (keeping it just wide enough not to be hit) but constantly being able to move the bar (stop) up over time to lock in gains

yep, but again my comments from last Friday - use common sense when considering wave structure and how long a trend might be

for example the move down from the 4100 highs on Dec 13th was 8 trading days. IF, again the word is IF, if this is a wave 2, then wave 2 should last longer than 1.5 days, maybe it's 1/2 the time of the wave 1 down, maybe longer? - again assuming that's what it is, there are other counts as Steve has covered

SPX 15 min, 60 min

Posted by matt on 22nd of Dec 2022 at 03:26 pm

$SPX - Chart Link- again I think we did a good job here - discussed that open gap forever, then posted the wave count last week and yesterday and this morning was discussing the 5th wave - and when you get 5 waves either down or up - you get a counter trend move

$SPX - Chart Link-

yep on NINE, I had broke down and bought some over a week ago, it didn't seem like it was going to test the 50 day MA this time around and I wanted at least a partial position. I like the long term chart

regarding PBR again any of these oil names are in long term uptrends, and it's had a nice correction down to one of the weekly trendlines - if one avoided that correction from Oct, was probably a good area to begin dipping ones toes in again

Told you boys and girls

Posted by matt on 16th of Dec 2022 at 03:45 pm

I pointed out the symmetry break earlier - got the higher low and BAM

and wasn't a straight trend day down on quad witch as I commented on in the morning as well

as far as systems guys,

SPY and ES systems early heads up

Posted by matt on 16th of Dec 2022 at 02:40 pm

as far as systems guys, the Strap only takes pullbacks in short term uptrends, after today's pullback if prices close down here or lower the Strap long I was seeing early would be negated and ONLY the bear longs systems would be taking an entry

- SPY bear long 2nd entry
- ES bear long 1st entry

yeah but what to investigate

SPY and ES systems early heads up

Posted by matt on 16th of Dec 2022 at 11:17 am

yeah but what to investigate is what they did intra day - my guess would be not a straight trend day all day , but down morning bounce afternoon stuff like that more chop vs all trend day as the options start to square up in the afternoon that causes price moves

ERY follow up

Posted by matt on 16th of Dec 2022 at 09:52 am

ERY - Chart Link- bounced off that trendline support 3 days ago


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