Euro Zone Unemployment and US (both problematic)

    Posted by steve on 8th of Jan 2010 at 09:07 am

    Hits 11 year high (despite HUGE government programs).  Not surprising since most of the money spent has gone to Investment Banks (Just Like Here with Wall Street).  It would have been much better to REBATE money to ALL HOUSEHOLDS and have a trickle up approach.  Instead, we see bankers benefiting at the expense of main street.  Just my little rant about all this Keynesian Economics which is leading to HUGE deficits and very little benefit to the ordinary citizens.


    Trickle up????  Is there even

    Posted by asantana on 8th of Jan 2010 at 09:41 am

    Trickle up????  Is there even such a thing?  If the money used to bail out AIG and the banks was used to pay off "every single American that pays taxes and holds a mortgage", the economy would be through the roof with all of the disposable income that would become available.

    That would be socialists though but money given to all those corporations that screwed up is........

    Wrong Banks

    Posted by oops1e on 8th of Jan 2010 at 09:35 am

    They gave the money to the Big Banks that send most of their money overseas.  They should have liquefied the small, local banks that lend their money locally.  This would have helped the credit freeze that is currently occurring.  IMHO.


    Posted by oldtrader on 8th of Jan 2010 at 09:33 am

    Yep better off to let them all fail, and suspend income taxes for a year. Cut the size of goverment (all goverments state and local) by 50 percent and eliminate the death tax.

    It would of been painfull but better to take it then and what is going to happen to this country in the years ahead

    You have my vote!

    Posted by pthoreson on 8th of Jan 2010 at 09:30 am

    You have my vote!


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