Premium content section/mechanical systems

    Posted by matt on 6th of Dec 2009 at 09:47 pm

    The premium content section has changed significantly.  New look, new graphics, more statistics. etc.  Also, for each system, we now include the whole HTML file, therefore you will get a lot more statistics now, just click on the tables, these are the reports from TS.

    Realize that ee are not fully finished with this section, but it's a good start so far.

    Great work on the Premium

    Posted by gary s on 7th of Dec 2009 at 08:11 am

    Great work on the Premium Content section guys.  I really appreciate all of the data and statistics that are now available.  Thanks for all of the hard work.

    Wonderful work guys.  The new

    Posted by algyros on 7th of Dec 2009 at 06:31 am

    Wonderful work guys.  The new Premium Content page is both aesthetic and practical.

    One small comment:  would it be possible to click on something to prevent the disclaimer box from popping up every time one accesses Premium Content?

    looking good..first small comment: when

    Posted by pdani on 6th of Dec 2009 at 11:15 pm

    looking good..first small comment: when you list the trades on any system, it will be better to show them in reverse order i.e. last one first. also break them into several pages. thus it will not be necessary to load up 1000 trades and scroll down several miles just to look at the last few (easier on yor servers, too!)

    keep it up...


    I don't understand your comments. 

    Posted by matt on 7th of Dec 2009 at 01:23 am

    I don't understand your comments.  What we control is the reference table, however you must re referring to the MHTML files from Tradestion? That's how the report comes from TS, those are the MHTML files, we don't have control over that.  It lists the performance summary, trade ideas, daily, weekly, montly, yearly curves, etc.  The order those are in is the order it comes it from Tradestation, we can't re-order those.   Plus the reports on those files shows up as mutiple pages with links to each section on the left side, very handy.


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