Title: OT It is very reassuring to

    Posted by billrosen on 10th of Jul 2009 at 09:21 am
    Title: OT


    Posted by algyros on 10th of Jul 2009 at 09:31 am

    Whenever I hear supporters of Sarah Palin, I always think of the Emperor's New Clothes.  It confuses me that her fans, many of whom are conservatives who bemoan the loss of standards in our educational system, can't see that she is profoundly inarticulate and in a perpetually losing struggle with the English language.  I don't know if she's smart or dumb; what I do know is that if she has any interesting thoughts she is incapable of expressing them.  She can work an audience, though.  And her winks are without equal.

    The point was not whether

    Posted by billrosen on 10th of Jul 2009 at 09:39 am

    The point was not whether one likes Sarah Palin or not, the point was the media is PATHETIC, this punk's opinions were top news....rediculous. The media smear campaign against Palin just won't end. There has never been such a viscious media attack machine on one candidate (or her kids) ever before...and for the record, I am not a big Palin fan, especially after her sudden resignation, a very dumb move if she has aspirations to run in 2012, she would not be getting my vote.

    boy...are you judgmental!

    Posted by ptbouras on 10th of Jul 2009 at 09:35 am

    boy...are you judgmental!


    Posted by algyros on 10th of Jul 2009 at 09:37 am

    I teach English at the university level, so I feel protective of our native tongue.  She's in a lot of trouble these days, so she needs all the help she can get.


    Posted by rgoodwin on 10th of Jul 2009 at 09:59 am

    I would say she is NOT in trouble. If indeed she chooses to remain in the private sector doing books, movies, lectures, campaigns - she will be making a hell of a lot more money in her day job than I would imagine most on this site make. It is still purely speculation whether she did this to set herself up for a run at the WH - personally - at THIS point and for the next couple of years - it's a brilliant move - look at the attention she is getting - makes for another book or movie.

    Palin's kind of like George

    Posted by lachasse on 10th of Jul 2009 at 09:43 am

    Palin's kind of like George Bush in a dress.

    Palin reads a teleprompter better

    Posted by perthx on 10th of Jul 2009 at 09:52 am

    Palin reads a teleprompter better than Obama--- and he actually sounds worse than Bush without his...um, er, ah, um, er,er ahh, um......

    you being a college professor

    Posted by billrosen on 10th of Jul 2009 at 09:41 am

    you being a college professor answers a lot...

    for sure Bill, you won't find

    Posted by jtverr on 10th of Jul 2009 at 09:46 am

    for sure Bill, you won't find a more leftist profession than "educators".


    Posted by algyros on 10th of Jul 2009 at 09:49 am

    Ad hominems don't advance a discussion much.  

    Good points, all. Unfortunately.

    Posted by brophy on 10th of Jul 2009 at 09:36 am

    Good points, all. Unfortunately.


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