Strategy Desk formulas


    Posted by twins on 4th of Jun 2009 at 10:05 am

    Here is an example of the formulas that I am using (this is an Exit formula for URE, based on the SRS SMAs crossing.)  Note that the delays are different from your formulas.

    (MovingAverage[MA,Close,8,0,6,1,SRS]  >  MovingAverage[MA,Close,71,0,6,1,SRS] AND MovingAverage[MA,Close,8,0,6,2,SRS] <= MovingAverage[MA,Close,71,0,6,2,SRS]) OR (Bar[Hour,1]*100+Bar[Minute,1]>=1559)

    Note that when backtesting, the trades will not quite be correct, so you have to decrease the delays by 1.

    Hope this is enough to get you going.  It took a while to get the correct syntax figured out. 

    Bob in Southern NJ

    Thanks Bob that does help,

    Posted by davetrader on 4th of Jun 2009 at 10:09 am

    Thanks Bob that does help, I think I see what I need to do, I will apply these different delays and run a backtest


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