Delayed order fill confirmations

    Posted by cal1 on 7th of May 2009 at 01:08 pm

    Has any one else (especially in Canada) had delayed fill confirmations on market orders?

    I've been forced to stop trading because my broker TD Waterhouse can't confirm my fills. Some delays are taking up to 30 minutes... how about that? And they call themselves a broker. Can't wait to leave....    It's sad today cause the SRS is looking pretty good right in here. goodluck.

    delayed fills

    Posted by x100 on 7th of May 2009 at 01:25 pm


    I have had some problems with them as well. Once went through a period on one stock where 200,000 shares traded hands in 20 minutes before my sell Market Order was filled.

    If you call in, they

    Posted by schnellinvestor on 7th of May 2009 at 01:15 pm

    If you call in, they can confirm in the meantime if that's fast enough for you. I too have had that problem with TD Waterhouse. 

    I hear ya

    Posted by sporopat on 7th of May 2009 at 01:12 pm

    I wanted to pull my hair out over TD Waterhouse this morning!  There has been lots of problems with them lately.  I was able to buy some SRS though.

    I trade for my brother

    Posted by billrosen on 7th of May 2009 at 01:23 pm

    I trade for my brother for him in TD because he is out working all the time and yes what a freakin nightmare the whole thing was frozen, then all the buttons to execute a trade were greyed out, then we called them and they made excuses...pathetic, but the good news is my brother got into SRS late and thus got a much better price than the entry!


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