Posted by gas6733 on 24th of Feb 2009 at 10:30 pm

    Just so you know, Elliot Wave's Richard Prechter was out this morning recomendingthat everyone cover their shorts now. Prechter's said that the rebound in stocks could be "sharp and scary for anyone who is short."


    Can anyone confirm this? or care?

    Yes he said that but

    Posted by dodgerdog on 25th of Feb 2009 at 08:28 am

    Yes he said that but certainly didn't rule out the market falling further in the near term.  He had been short since SPX 1500 and doesn't want to wait to cover since the number of bulls is down to 3%.  More importantly, he suggested NOW is the time to begin preparing for the REAL issue ahead and that is capital preservation which will NOT be found by keeping money in banks.  I plan to discuss this issue in more detail over the weekend.  Please stay tuned.

    Thanks Steve - look forward

    Posted by srleblanc on 25th of Feb 2009 at 09:03 am

    Thanks Steve - look forward to that discussion!


    Posted by drorlando on 25th of Feb 2009 at 09:28 am

    Hmm, after redaing Steve, and the Speech last night was really good...I will civer my SRS entry I bought before the close at 72, take the $3 share and sit in cash.  FWIW to everyone in shorts.


    Posted by drorlando on 25th of Feb 2009 at 09:35 am

    SPX 15 minute looks strong to me, sold SRS at 72 for gain $3 overnight.  I am in cash, got to go to surgery.  Good luck everyone.

    Doc - SRS was a

    Posted by dodgerdog on 25th of Feb 2009 at 10:18 am

    Doc - SRS was a nice setup last night near the close with the indexes overbought - nice trade

    what I heard is

    Posted by delane on 25th of Feb 2009 at 09:08 am

    coming soon cashless society.  Where all transactions are taxed, hookers, drug dealers, would all have to be accounted for.  Would get rid of alot of fraud.  Qcom has wireless banking now on their cell phones and its really caught on in Japan.  They call them there wireless wallets.  Would save the govt alot of money in distribution and cost of coinage too.  I think its a very good idea.

    What I heard is

    Posted by john9o9 on 25th of Feb 2009 at 09:14 am

    Yeah and most importantly what a way for them to keep track of everything you do with your money!!!!!!  What did A Huxley write about?

    Right. Sorry Delane I disagree,

    Posted by PA on 25th of Feb 2009 at 09:32 am

    Right. Sorry Delane I disagree, because this is another removal of our freedom. And BTW it gives THEM the ultimate hammer - if everything you own is only a cyber entry in some bank's computer, then it is easy to erase you if you cause them any trouble. Trouble, as in disagreeing with their policies. Anyone for John Galt action (Atlas Shrugged)? We may see it - keep us apprised, everyone, if you start hearing publicly-made statements on radio and TV about boycotting paying taxes or mortgages.

    Robert Prechter

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 25th of Feb 2009 at 03:08 am

    He is a very bright guy -- His book Conquer the crash  is brilliant -- but he may be a bit off with his timing, IMO. Apparently he believes wave 5 will end any time soon and not some 100 odd points down on the $SPX.

    Yes excellent book!  'Conquer the

    Posted by matt on 25th of Feb 2009 at 01:01 pm

    Yes excellent book!  'Conquer the crash'

    my wife found it at

    Posted by cwa82675 on 25th of Feb 2009 at 01:45 pm

    my wife found it at the dollar store back in 2006, I had her buy all the copies and gave them to my friends and family members.  I bet not one of them read a page.  now they are crying to me about not being able to retire...


    Posted by jnie on 25th of Feb 2009 at 01:12 pm



    Can you please take a look at DRYS. I have a feeling it is getting ready to pop.

    Thanks Much


    Posted by PA on 25th of Feb 2009 at 09:00 am

    he and the EW guys have been bearish almost the entire time since 1988. He has been a bear on gold from $270, except for a few days fairly recently and even then he has been looking to short gold on every rally. He has been wrong 98% of the time, except now he can cheer himself because he says he called the top. Having missed the bull market for 20 years now he can be right? His work is next to worthless, except his observations on social trends are good sometimes. That said, he is coincidentally going to look smart because as he says we are near the low. Everyone knows that - but as RP rightly points out the last leg down (if there is one still coming) can be very profitable

    PA, I heard that opinion

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 25th of Feb 2009 at 09:32 am

    PA, I heard that opinion on gold. The problem seems to be that $gold does not follow technical analysis to the same extent as everything else. To me the issue is manipulation of gold prices by the big players more than anything else. I use EW analysis only as a road map. A map is not the territory!

    The problem with Prechter is that he can see vista but fails to know small details that do not fit. The same as Bill Clinton, who was a bit out of touch with reality.


    Posted by PA on 25th of Feb 2009 at 09:35 am

    TA has worked fine for me on gold. Got bullish in August 2000. Called the 2008 top and recent low.  FWIW, commodity futures do trade differently - they need less time to prepare for a move. But they get parabolic and crushed like everything else. Just need to look at them differently from stocks. Which is why I recommend newbies avoid futures and commodities until they prove their chops consistently on stocks.

    Right on, PA!

    Posted by brophy on 25th of Feb 2009 at 09:13 am

    Right on, PA!

    he already said 5th wave was in

    Posted by delane on 25th of Feb 2009 at 08:58 am

    for the banks a couple of weeks ago.  I agree with him, I mean....how much more bad news is already baked in?  If you havent sold with Nationalization on everyones breath...you may not sell ever.

    He shorted early last year,

    Posted by matt on 24th of Feb 2009 at 11:56 pm

    He shorted early last year, so he has a great profit, why not cover, he doesn't have to get every last bit out.  However on the other hand, we are nearing the end of the downtrend anyway, or could have ended it (but needs confirmation).  If you shorted at SPX 1500, then why not cover, we are closing in on Primary wave A, then we shold have a Primary wave B up soon, which will be the time to put shorts back on for long term swings.


    Posted by imatradingfool on 24th of Feb 2009 at 10:36 pm

    It is on Bloomberg


    Yes, Prechter is brilliant, I

    Posted by brophy on 25th of Feb 2009 at 08:57 am

    Yes, Prechter is brilliant, I read Conquering the crash...problem is, he was bearish duriing the entire bull market....My prediction: a new bull market is coming!

    But I won't tell you when. Will that make me brilliant when it arrives?


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