Fox Business News

    Posted by rgoodwin on 12th of Feb 2009 at 06:15 pm

    Anyone listening to this guy on FBN? BOGLE is his name - Vanguard I guess...  He's talking about the market being nothing but a bunch of speculators, NOT INVESTORS - Oh and it also is undervalued. Here is my question - why would anyone in their right mind who already lost 40 - 50% maybe more, even consider being an INVESTOR in this market. And why are "traders" referred to as Speculators? I'm not speculating - I'm trying to make a living and protect my future.

    Abso-effin-lutely. The buy-and-holders are OUT

    Posted by unsane on 12th of Feb 2009 at 06:53 pm

    Abso-effin-lutely. The buy-and-holders are OUT of the market, and if they aren't they should be. There are only three kinds of people left in the ocean we call a market.

    1. Sharks who can't stop moving or they die

    2. Idiots like us who like to swim with sharks

    3. Whales who are too big to go anywhere else


    robin, did he recommend to buy

    Posted by jlink on 12th of Feb 2009 at 06:46 pm


    did he recommend to buy or he's just saying the market is undervalued? I kind of like him - his tenure at Vanguard was very successful and he is usually less aggressive pumping stocks than other talking heads.


    Posted by rgoodwin on 12th of Feb 2009 at 07:44 pm

    I didn't listen to all that much. He was rather non committal though. He is frustrated that the market is being conntrolled by speculators rather than investors. Guess most mutual fund kind of folks would be - we all are frustrated.

    Al Queida on Fox news today

    Posted by andreac on 12th of Feb 2009 at 06:22 pm

    and that is always instill fear in the masses, just another manipulative ploy at the lows, happened back in January too, back in November too, the media is so very bought

    He is referring to big

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 12th of Feb 2009 at 06:21 pm

    He is referring to big guys with a lot of money in their hands, who could move the market the way they want it. And he is being correct! You, and I and even all of us at this site do not matter a zilch for this market.


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