KISS systems and auto trading

    Posted by matt on 13th of Sep 2024 at 03:41 pm

    James and I had a phone meeting with TraderPost today regarding the possibility of setting up auto trading for you guys, where you can have the KISS high performance system trades get automatically executed in your account, entries, new stops, exits etc. 

    There's some nuances

    1. They work across a variety of brokers, however the guy did say they have problems sometimes with Interactive Brokers, so I would suggest not using them. It's funny they reccommded Tradestation and commented that sending orders to Tradestation worked flawlessly. They support brokers like Robinhood as well but they commented that Tradestation works great.

    2. I think there's a limit per system, like 150 or 200 people - which is probably a good thing, as I worry about 1000 people all having stop orders in at the same price and executing at the same price.  That said - if we are able to offer this eventually, it will be limited - not all of you may be able to sign up for it. 

    3. We have to open an account with them - it's $200 a month.  They also don't have an API setup - the API would make it easier for us to simply send the trade signals to, therefore we have to talk to their tech department. Right now they can take signals from Tradingview, HOWEVER we don't have the KISS systems on Tradingview, and I don't know if it's even possible because while Tradingview is powerful, the code still has some things you can't do, and James doesn't think he can code the full KISS system to Tradingview - therefore we have to use the API.

    4. Once we set up an account, I have a second SIM data account at Tradestation, and they confirmed that we can send signals and they will execute those in our SIM account-  we would do that for a month or so to test the trades - make sure it's all working obviously before even considering offering to the public

    5. On your end how it would work, you would set up an account with them, and you have to then manually select the KISS systems from us that you want to have trading for you. What they told us, you would see a list of all of our systems, and you would have to select which ones.  Also for each system you select, you have to fill out a bunch of disclaimers for obvious reasons - auto trading these places have to cover their butts from getting sued

    anyway just giving a heads up - this is NOT something that would come now, but we are looking into it, and we'd have to at minimum run this on our side for a month to confirm all the signals and trades are matching

    This would be huge.  Check

    Posted by goap1207 on 14th of Sep 2024 at 09:50 am

    This would be huge.  Check out collective2 for autotrading your strategies.  Most of the lead trading strategies on C2 are junk.

    I've tried some broker programs

    Posted by bthefnd on 13th of Sep 2024 at 04:32 pm

    I've tried some broker programs that offer to auto trade strategies over the years and got my ass handed to me every time on what was supposed to be very low risk.  So....I'm due for a win! Haha. Not the way it works, but I'll probably try it out with small size because it's always sounded ideal to me (who doesn't like making money while sitting in a hammock on the beach nowhere near a computer?). I'm seeing more and more people talk about limiting the exposure to their strategies with AI and auto trading. Makes sense. If everyone does the same thing, that thing will no longer work - because math.

    If it actually works at scale, you'll probably get approached by an institution that pays you to take it down immediately, sell it to them, and never use or speak about it again. They don't call it "black box trading" for nothing. 

    Steve tried this one for

    Posted by matt on 13th of Sep 2024 at 06:30 pm

    Steve tried this one for something and he said it worked flawlessly so seem like they execute the trades just fine - so as long as our systems do fine it should be good. again we have to test it first to make sure trades are being executed.  Like I said, I just mentioned this, but if we bring this as an option, it will be a while not any time very soon

    nice...that would be great

    Posted by brentfreeland2 on 13th of Sep 2024 at 03:45 pm

    nice...that would be great


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