Is anyone trading the NVDA

    Posted by rbreese on 6th of Jun 2024 at 09:19 am

    Is anyone trading the NVDA stock split into next week?

    NVDA Split - I'm holding

    Posted by elementsix on 6th of Jun 2024 at 11:43 am

    NVDA Split - I'm holding long equity from a much lower level.  I mayadd a OOTM Put against that position as a hedge (but my hedges in NVDA have not played out well). 

    Currently have 1300 calls for next Friday and will likely hold at least 1 contract through the split as my position on those is nicely profitable.

    Long term I am very bullish NVDA so will look for buying opportunities. 

    looking to add NVDS (inverse) nvda

    Posted by kingpin15 on 6th of Jun 2024 at 09:40 am

    looking to add NVDS (inverse)
    nvda is now 88% above 200d ma.
    The last 15 years what's the best AAPL ever accomplished above the  200-day ma ? And the  64%, it lasted just 24 hours
    The best msft could do is 54%, the evil of passive investing is on stage here, and the system is broken.

    Thinking same king...When is your

    Posted by shellson2 on 6th of Jun 2024 at 09:49 am

    Thinking same king...When is your trigger price to jump in..

    Added 1/3 NVDS today 

    Posted by kingpin15 on 6th of Jun 2024 at 11:19 am

    Added 1/3 NVDS today 

    2/3rds position now

    Posted by kingpin15 on 6th of Jun 2024 at 12:32 pm

    2/3rds position now

    Bought a little NVDD today. 

    Posted by EdZ on 6th of Jun 2024 at 11:34 am

    Bought a little NVDD today. 


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