Matt, don't beat yourself up. Systems are simply algorithms... the point is to remove emotions not add negative ones on top. The systems are great. There's no such thing as a perfect system that wins every time. 

    I've commented many times on my struggle to create a systems for the systems. I enter just about every trade through a rebalancing tool. I carry 90% plus cash in normal times because of my trading strategy. Needless to say, if a 1st entry is 10% then I would be up to 60% by the 3rd entry. Obviously, I can't use all the systems with this allocation profile so I just stick to one (two if one is in the opposite direction).  Anyway, it's my problem to solve, not yours. Appreciate all you share with us!  I know everybody can't trade all day long but I find the intraday updates on the systems to be huge.  If I knew I couldn't act on intraday signals I'd probably take less risk with the systems. Just something each of us needs to work out for our own risk tolerance and trading style. 


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