Already made two killer trades within the system and now waiting
on an opportunity to get short again. Even if not followed to the
letter, this systems are amazing and help me trade on the right
side and have confidence in the decision.
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Much congrats to those of you who simply stuck to the systems and stayed short the DVDS positions!
Posted by matt on 4th of May 2023 at 10:45 am
much kudos to a few of you who stated you simply follow stick to the system signals 100% and don't deviate, Cleary that was the right call, congrats!
no signs of those shorts closing out either
Be dumb. Drink coolade! Follow
Posted by junkie on 4th of May 2023 at 10:52 am
Be dumb. Drink coolade! Follow DVDS ! :-)
Already made two killer trades
Posted by cozz101 on 4th of May 2023 at 10:50 am
Already made two killer trades within the system and now waiting on an opportunity to get short again. Even if not followed to the letter, this systems are amazing and help me trade on the right side and have confidence in the decision.