The implied volatility of SPX options is the lowest its been in years.  I wouldn't describe any sale right now as "easy income". Why did you go out farther in time? Likely because the premium for shorter term options simply wasn't there.  Not saying you won't be right. Just that option premium is "dirt cheap" compared to the last few YEARS.

    I went further out in

    Posted by DigiNomad on 17th of Apr 2023 at 12:13 pm

    I went further out in time to sell a technical level I felt comfortable with that is at or around 16 delta (> than 80% probability of profit).  I agree with the low historical volatility - that's why I'm not touching the short put side of the equation right now (I usually do, but not at extremes). 16 delta puts for July are currently around 3750. Selling that level is madness, in my opinion.  

    At the end of the day, the proof is in the equity returns curve. See attached for accounts where I switched over to this strategy in September of 2022.


    Posted by pep8261 on 17th of Apr 2023 at 12:14 pm



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