Investment plan adjustment: I just

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 16th of Aug 2022 at 01:22 pm

    Investment plan adjustment: I just reduced our other IRAs, larger one I reduced and it is now 35% in stocks. I took all the inventory from 3,700s to current prices and sold it. I like doing this when markets are strong because with mutual funds, prices are secured at the close. I don't want to wait for markets to reverse because when it does, it will likely go down faster than it went up. I like selling some with wind at my back. 

    New allocation:

    10% Nasdaq 100

    5% IWM

    8% S&P 500

    12% TRowe Health sciences for a total of 35%. A bit more conservative with the health sciences in there. Change will apply at the close.

    I have a relatively smaller one that I also reduced to 40% in stocks, same thing, took all the lower inventory and sell on close. Here is that allocation:

    10% S&P 500

    30% TRowe Health Sciences

    a 73s RSI long term here is just incredible to me given the backdrop we are in. If we go higher and hit some other levels, I may do some more. At least I can go take my week off at the end of the month now and not be concerned what markets are doing. My trading account will be in cash as well. I hit a new high again there today, may even exit early if a big woosh happens somewhere over the next week. 

    I really feel fortunate to be able to act now and know we will be ok no matter which way things go over the remainder of the year. 

    Thanks for sharing your plan

    Posted by retirefire on 16th of Aug 2022 at 02:08 pm

    Thanks for sharing your plan

    Beautiful. Thanks for sharing this

    Posted by arun on 16th of Aug 2022 at 01:36 pm

    Beautiful. Thanks for sharing this

    I hope you get a

    Posted by timebandit on 16th of Aug 2022 at 01:35 pm

    I hope you get a nice  prevailing wind into the close. Thanks for sharing


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