How do you use that

    both the VIX and SPX are down

    Posted by anjali25 on 8th of Jun 2022 at 04:33 pm

    How do you use that - can you explain using today as an example

    Matt will probably say something

    Posted by timebandit on 8th of Jun 2022 at 04:55 pm

    Matt will probably say something about it in tonight's newsletter when he talks about the $VIX indicator.

    yeah I'll mention it ,

    Posted by matt on 8th of Jun 2022 at 08:10 pm

    yeah I'll mention it , the last time both the VIX and SPX closed up the next day the market gapped down hard but recovered and closed up. Today they both closed down

    collectively all it means is the SPX and VIX are getting more and more uncorrelated and in the past has tended to occur near major inflection points, mostly tops, not always though

    SO .. I took a

    Posted by fredsaid on 8th of Jun 2022 at 11:54 pm

    SO .. I took a closer look at the chart in tonights newsletter.  In all instances of these inflection points in the charts.. the closer the vix was to its upper or lower band, dictated the outcome.  That 3 headed dragon on the chart was a doozy.  But 2 months out a total winner that follows the thesis.  SO... what this says is that at the longest, 2 months from now the vix is gonna spike through the roof.  Glad to see that 3 headed dragon on the chart.  But as one member said earlier today, a more in depth back test of this, perhaps with my hypothesis of correlation spike and proximity of Vix to bollinger bands... might be something worth looking at ?


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