SPX 5 min

    Posted by matt on 24th of Jan 2022 at 12:00 pm

    $SPX - Chart Link- some MACD divergence setup - otherwise symmetry needed to break is 50 points LOL

    Update: SPX 5 min

    Posted by matt on 24th of Jan 2022 at 12:22 pm

    $SPX - Chart Link- possible wedge forming - just something to monitor - could see more margin forced selling

    Update: Update: SPX 5 min

    Posted by matt on 24th of Jan 2022 at 12:53 pm

    $SPX - Chart Link- wedge playing out - needs to exceed 50 points 

    Update: Update: Update: SPX 5 min

    Posted by matt on 24th of Jan 2022 at 01:10 pm

    $SPX - Chart Link- updated view - clearly the wedge exceeded target after forming that divergence. Now monitor the VWAP here. 

    the sym break is a positive, now maybe we form higher low instead of lower lows again

    Thanks for the updates Matt!

    Posted by cozz101 on 24th of Jan 2022 at 01:19 pm

    Thanks for the updates Matt! It would be nice to rebound a little here and/or form a higher low and then possibly rebound short term. 

    awesome - playing out!

    Posted by matt on 24th of Jan 2022 at 01:20 pm

    awesome - playing out!

    today a great example of

    Posted by matt on 24th of Jan 2022 at 02:02 pm

    today a great example of the use of symmetry to objectively get a confirmed signal 

    one last thing - on

    Posted by matt on 24th of Jan 2022 at 01:12 pm

    one last thing - on that 5 min SPX chart, just like on a Trend day - watch that 50 day SMA and VWAP resistance areas

    it will be broken at

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 24th of Jan 2022 at 12:05 pm

    it will be broken at some point, we will see a big trading rally, 3 gaps above now starting with 4,397, Friday's close. I've been thinking 100 SPX points once we see a low. If today was it at 4,243.50, then it sees 4,343.50 minimum for round numbers, and possibly back to that gap I mentioned over time. I still believe the earnings reports will be important, though wonder if some of this is getting priced in already. See, didn't even need a chart, I'm just guessing like everyone else here, analysts, etc.   

    even better than I expected

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 24th of Jan 2022 at 04:39 pm

    even better than I expected so far, booyah   


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