Just read about this in

    Posted by timebandit on 23rd of Dec 2021 at 08:50 am

    Just read about this in a daily newsletter I get. Something to keep on the radar screen as we move into 2022. Could be good for the biotech sector:

    Biomedical research may get a boost. Research in the early “translational” stage, when basic findings are applied to potential treatments, has long been notoriously difficult to finance. The pandemic has made matters worse. But relief may be on the way. While a bill to create government-backed bonds to finance private research — known as BioBonds— did not advance in the House of Representatives, the financial analyst behind the idea, Karen Petrou, is in talks with the White House, which is creating a new agencyto speed up research and cures. Called ARPA-Hand modeled after the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the proposal has broad bipartisan support, according to a recent Morning Consult poll. So do BioBonds, Petrou said, adding that she hopes Congress will pass the measures early next year.nt).

    Follow Pelosi carefully 

    Posted by retirefire on 23rd of Dec 2021 at 08:56 am

    Follow Pelosi carefully 


    This is a great site for following House Members trading. Marjorie Taylor Greene by far the most active lately it seems....10 trades on 12/21

    Not a list of the

    Posted by brophy on 23rd of Dec 2021 at 09:52 am

    Not a list of the brightest people on the planet. But trading with inside information, how can you lose. Wonder how old the info is...

    Good question, I think they

    Posted by cozz101 on 23rd of Dec 2021 at 09:59 am

    Good question, I think they have a briefing every day or during the day. It's got a lot of info there. 

    Thank you, interesting. I wonder

    Posted by retirefire on 23rd of Dec 2021 at 09:29 am

    Thank you, interesting. I wonder if Matt can come up with a system for this data?  

    That would be awesome to

    Posted by cozz101 on 23rd of Dec 2021 at 09:33 am

    That would be awesome to try and package that. The site is pretty good for the Reddit group, Wall Street Bets, trades as well! 


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