Crude oil to me looks more like a left shoulder forming with new lows over time.  For now, keep an open mind and trade your triggers.

    I have a target of 47.11

    Posted by joe12pack on 11th of Feb 2015 at 10:55 am

    Crude short at trendline was

    Posted by zenman on 11th of Feb 2015 at 11:07 am

    Crude short at trendline was a nice quick way to make lunch money. I have had NO long entry points today. You would also still be short from a 60 min short from yesterday.

    Crude Oil /CL I spoke to

    Posted by zenman on 11th of Feb 2015 at 11:29 am

    Crude Oil /CL

    I spoke to soon. A long set up triggered on the 30 min chart right after I posted the last one. That is why I feel that this forum is not really suited for futures. Wish we could have a futures trading room. Wish list, Steve and Matt...

    This 30 min chart set up already hit the first symmetry and 9 ema target.

    This also triggered on 60

    Posted by zenman on 11th of Feb 2015 at 11:41 am

    This also triggered on 60 min chart, btw. Whether it works or not, we'll see. We still have a trend line to break.

    Crude bounced off the 20

    Posted by steve on 11th of Feb 2015 at 11:31 am

    Crude bounced off the 20 day..and when crude bounced IBB faded. Trading opposite lately.

    Crude approaching Value Area LOW.

    Posted by zenman on 11th of Feb 2015 at 12:26 pm

    Crude approaching Value Area LOW. Also 50 MA on 30 min chart. RSI 14 at 50 mark. Might look to short again. We have a trendline from the beginning of Crude down turn a little higher 50.40 or so. Quite often Crude breaks a tend line and extends out of it a bit and then breaks down again. That's why waiting for Steve's entries work better than simply shorting or going long at lines.


    Posted by matt on 11th of Feb 2015 at 11:35 am


    Great Matt. But, if we

    Posted by zenman on 11th of Feb 2015 at 11:42 am

    Great Matt. But, if we had a trading room, we could get this info out in real time. Well?

    Sorry, I need a visual

    Posted by zenman on 11th of Feb 2015 at 09:34 am

    Sorry, I need a visual on that. Are you talking hourly chart? I'm working off 15 min and 60 min charts. 

    I think daily - we

    Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Feb 2015 at 09:39 am

    I think daily - we printed the left side neckline high a couple days ago or else last week. Time to make the head of the inverse head and shoulders by making new lows. ?

    4.87 build in inventory. More

    Posted by zenman on 11th of Feb 2015 at 10:30 am

    4.87 build in inventory. More than expected. But expected never happens anyway...

    Back to trading /CL crude

    Posted by zenman on 11th of Feb 2015 at 10:33 am

    Back to trading /CL crude oil futures... Close to 61.8 fib as pointed out before. I'll see whether we get a set up or not.

    Zenman..I posted my visual below

    Posted by steve on 11th of Feb 2015 at 10:36 am

    Zenman..I posted my visual below on Crude Futures under my comments.  My belief is the bounce is the left shoulder (or part of the left shoulder if it wants to push to the 50 day area) but still looking for a move down to test lows (make new lows) as part of the head.

    I see. Thanks Steve. That

    Posted by zenman on 11th of Feb 2015 at 10:41 am

    I see. Thanks Steve. That would create some nice divergence for daily and weekly.


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