bkout3- the daily chart of SPX with that MA is already in the long term tools section, otherwise I'll also be adding a monthly chart of the SPX and MACD/BB as well. 

    I'm probably gonna take off some of those other indicators for example there are so many different NASI and BPCOMPQ indicators etc, I would like like to clean that section up and make it simpler

    but otherwise regarding your comments, the daily indicator is already there and I'll be adding the monthly one soon.  I've also given the workspace to Steve and he may include them in his newsletters from time to time.

    Now as far as Tradestation - please remember that if any of you decide to open a Tradestation account - you can basically get your BPT membership for free because TS has agreed to refund what you pay in membership fees to BPT back to you in the form of commissions.  This means that you have to do trades with them, but if you do enough trades you can get as much as 80 bucks a month refunded back to you in commissions thus making your BPT membership for free!  However you must maintain a BPT membership to continue to get the discount because TS checks with me from time to time.  

    Bruce Brotine -  Direct  (888) 471-9432 bbrotine@tradestation.com

    Also as you know I have some high powered Mechanical Systems such as my SPY systems and 5 min ES system and others which have 80 - 90% winning trades - I think these are a good deal and you can only get these systems if you have a TS account


    "the daily chart of SPX

    Posted by smoothy on 16th of May 2013 at 12:33 pm

    "the daily chart of SPX with that MA is already in the long term tools section"...I must be losing vision because i don't see a daily SPX chart in the long term tools section

    there is not a chart

    Posted by matt on 16th of May 2013 at 12:40 pm

    there is not a chart - it's listed in the intermediate SPX indicators in the table

    OK...well this member (bkout3) had

    Posted by smoothy on 16th of May 2013 at 01:00 pm

    OK...well this member (bkout3) had a good question then... "What would you think about having a refreshable or periodically auto-updating version of say the monthly, weekly, daily and 60min chart in the Long term tools section or another page (could be password protected if you wanted only paying members to be able to access it). Would be  nice inputs for overall long/short bias."


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