Completely agree.

    meanwhile the big players slowly

    Posted by jbarry on 10th of Sep 2008 at 11:40 am

    meanwhile the big players slowly unwind their shorts and add their longs...happens every time...

    that's the thing, though, they

    Posted by dallahoo on 10th of Sep 2008 at 11:48 am

    that's the thing, though, they are big, they can afford the whipsaws, most of them create the whipsaw, but someone with a 100k portfolio, 30% in gold, well that's a different story,

    then you shouldn't have 30%

    Posted by jbarry on 10th of Sep 2008 at 11:53 am

    then you shouldn't have 30% in gold stocks if you can't take the hit...

    I sense some hostile undertone

    Posted by dallahoo on 10th of Sep 2008 at 11:58 am

    I sense some hostile undertone to your message, am I right there?

    and, it's good advice, you should give it to those who are now forced to liquidate, I am short gold, and shoprt GDX, and enjoying it at the moment

    no hostility at all, furthest

    Posted by jbarry on 10th of Sep 2008 at 12:07 pm

    no hostility at all, furthest thing from's just a market...just think majority of people should be out of it because they can't take the volatility or downside...

    I'm a happy camper...

    mistake of my senses, I

    Posted by dallahoo on 10th of Sep 2008 at 12:10 pm

    mistake of my senses, I am sorry. In truth, one, IMHO, should not think in tyerms of whether he can take a hit or not, one should run as fast as humanly possible, I am a gold enthusiast, I hate paper, but it wants to drop so we stand aside and wait

    yes...when your realize you can't

    Posted by jbarry on 10th of Sep 2008 at 12:17 pm

    yes...when your realize you can't control the market, and you're not smarter than the market, only then can you make money, grasshopper...

    "Wall Street never changes, the pockets change, the suckers change, and the stocks change, but Wall Street never changes because human nature never changes."- Jesse Livermore

    now, you are quoting my

    Posted by dallahoo on 10th of Sep 2008 at 12:21 pm

    now, you are quoting my favorite book. The first copy I bought has been thumbed so much it is ripped and dirty, so I just bought a 2nd copy to have something clean and shapely on book shelf :-)

    sounds like my old Playboy...zing!... on

    Posted by jbarry on 10th of Sep 2008 at 01:18 pm

    sounds like my old Playboy...zing!...

    on a serious note, commodity index investors pulled $39Billion worth of oil futures between July and Sept. 2...

    commodity index investors pulled $39Billion

    Posted by dallahoo on 10th of Sep 2008 at 01:35 pm

    commodity index investors pulled $39Billion worth of oil futures between July and Sept. 2

    Vow!, that's some country's budget

    stop losses

    Posted by andreac on 10th of Sep 2008 at 12:03 pm

    This mkt gives a whole new meaning to the value of stop losses.  30% losses are too much psychological drain, messes up -most- folks ability to think straight, and messes up clarity and future trading.

    Matt, perhaps you might consider adding a lesson on stop losses in your future updates on this website, if you don't already have a lesson posted, just a thought

    I think I posted a

    Posted by matt on 10th of Sep 2008 at 12:06 pm

    I think I posted a thing about stops a couple months back in the education section, do a search

    Yup - all while Gold

    Posted by dodgerdog on 10th of Sep 2008 at 11:45 am

    Yup - all while Gold Bugs get squashed.  Can't tell you how many times other sites called for a bottom here only to see it crash 50%.  Then those same sites talk about how bad the market is to cover up there blunder - like Matt said below the market down 1/2 as much as Gold Stocks.

    Silver below $11 now.

    Posted by trade on 10th of Sep 2008 at 11:52 am

    Silver below $11 now.

    and usually bounces back...I've seen

    Posted by jbarry on 10th of Sep 2008 at 11:51 am

    and usually bounces back...I've seen this sector turn on a dime so many times...the US$ was at the same level the same time last year...people need to relax, read the charts, and most of all, know your risk tolerence, " How much could I lose", should be the first question...that's my rant...


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