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Bill Gross

Posted by dallahoo on 3rd of Oct 2008 at 02:27 pm

Ah, this was just to get the masses past the first-time pain threshold


Posted by dallahoo on 3rd of Oct 2008 at 02:01 pm

Guys, thanks for AVP, did not have time to do a full count on it, but looks like a classic B Wave, I took it this morning

did hankee get all the

here's the deal

Posted by dallahoo on 25th of Sep 2008 at 03:03 pm

did hankee get all the power he wanted?

Pickens 'n Chickens 'n Gartmans 'n Fartmans

Posted by dallahoo on 24th of Sep 2008 at 10:25 am

News on Pickens

so the next time I hear someone telling me what these big names did, or thought, or said, I should remember that it might be that rare occasion of them being wrong, assuming that they never speak out of self-serving interests.

One who solely relies of wisdom of Pickens 'n Chickens 'n Gartmans 'n Fartmans is eventually doomed to be had for the plucking and the stench

and we appriciated the way

Trading Environment

Posted by dallahoo on 23rd of Sep 2008 at 03:17 pm

and we appriciated the way you handle this.

he has found his gold

Commodity trade back on?

Posted by dallahoo on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 04:13 pm

he has found his gold mine, those who pay 13000 for his wisdom


Gold Stocks

Posted by dallahoo on 17th of Sep 2008 at 03:50 pm

it did not disappoint, led the pack again., see how it shot through the gap around 60



Posted by dallahoo on 17th of Sep 2008 at 02:50 pm

It pays sometimes to go against the madness and the fear of the herd.


financial crisis, debt deflation, monetization,


Posted by dallahoo on 17th of Sep 2008 at 01:35 pm

financial crisis, debt deflation, monetization, total melt down, asset rotation out of crap into precious, whatever CNBC says, it's all a dog and pony show, the admission price can be expensive, though :-)

I think it is more


Posted by dallahoo on 17th of Sep 2008 at 12:06 pm

I think it is more a matter of percetion, and market psychology. The perception of future inflation was what they wanted to go away, seems like it has, now maybe they can print

And within that framework, money rotates from one sector to another.

Buying Banks?

Posted by dallahoo on 17th of Sep 2008 at 11:54 am

IF I wanted to make a short list of banks that may finally come out of this OK, I could of course crunch a lot of numbers, or I could cheat and look at what Buffett has:

he owns USB and WFC,

this is only FYI, FWIW

I guess deflation is on


Posted by dallahoo on 17th of Sep 2008 at 11:51 am

I guess deflation is on hold for now!

Yep, you are right, my

From Gartman

Posted by dallahoo on 17th of Sep 2008 at 11:43 am

Yep, you are right, my good Sir. this is the 4th high distribution day in a week or so (I have to check) but the point is after back to back distrib. days like this we may get a seller exhaustion and some sort of a bounce. It also is in full accord with a 5th wave behavior, especially if we get some +'ve divergence on the lows. It's like a spring, you can only press it so much, it snaps back at some point.

A shorter's dream, nothing less!

Gartman said: "The news is

From Gartman

Posted by dallahoo on 17th of Sep 2008 at 11:16 am

Gartman said: "The news is horrid, but the trading activity is positive indeed... and a market that won't go down on bad news is not a bear market"

But XLF is down 8% today, which market is he referring to as not going down? I guess I am missing something here Undecided

DRI, again

Posted by dallahoo on 17th of Sep 2008 at 10:26 am

why do people insist on giving gifts?


I may be done trading for today, but who knows

yes. I can't login too.

Interactive Brokers

Posted by dallahoo on 16th of Sep 2008 at 10:19 am

yes. I can't login too.


Posted by dallahoo on 15th of Sep 2008 at 03:16 pm

anyone musing the bonds for a short?

they don't have to short, just standing aside would do

AEM has been the leader

Gold Stocks

Posted by dallahoo on 15th of Sep 2008 at 02:41 pm

AEM has been the leader so far, if it keeps that up, one can use it to play the laggards. Of course, as soon as I figure that out, market changes its behavior ;-(

I wonder where the bulls are today?

this will not end, IMO, until selling pressure overwhelms misterious buying agents of the future markets. It's been like that before, I think it will be like that again, but who knows when the sellers break their distress point


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