SPX 5 min

    Posted by matt on 19th of Oct 2012 at 01:27 pm

    $SPX - Chart Link - after breaking the 9 EMA testing the 20 where it found resistance, perhaps a bear flag.  

    AAPL's 5 min chart looks the same

    we'll see if a base can form early this afternoon then some kind of oversold bounce or not

    MACD on the 15 min

    Posted by frtaylor on 19th of Oct 2012 at 01:51 pm

    MACD on the 15 min looks terrible - no divergence, and buried below the readings for the previous low of 1425.53.

    vix just spiked!!

    Posted by lamb on 19th of Oct 2012 at 01:52 pm

    FYI I have the 150

    Posted by tom on 19th of Oct 2012 at 01:33 pm

    FYI I have the 150 Day MA on AAPL as $613.86 although it has a little more a flat slop instead of angled.


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