SPX 15 min

    Posted by matt on 18th of Oct 2012 at 11:14 am

    $SPX - Chart Link - while the 5th wave could be in, I would rather see another push based on the MACD recycling back to zero and stochastics not overbought, to me it would set up a much better divergence and 5th wave move but needs to hold today's lows, we'll see....

    Update: SPX 15 min

    Posted by matt on 18th of Oct 2012 at 12:10 pm

    $SPX - Chart Link - and making that new high like I wanted - now just have to see how far wave 5 goes.  But again with that MACD recycle back to zero, should not be surprised to see this.  

    I would like to see MACD go up and form a lower high and cross back down

    does it look like an

    Posted by himsa on 18th of Oct 2012 at 02:25 pm

    does it look like an inverse head and shoulders on the 5 min?

    You called that one.  

    Posted by frtaylor on 18th of Oct 2012 at 01:07 pm

    You called that one.   Cool

    possible to get a truncated

    Posted by himsa on 18th of Oct 2012 at 11:41 am

    possible to get a truncated 5th?


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