ducati- that's BS, we've had

    Market Comments

    Posted by matt on 2nd of Aug 2012 at 01:03 pm

    ducati- that's BS, we've had plenty of shorts and we dont' tell you what to trade, you decide.  We clearly showed the market at resistance and provided tons of short ideas, you need to take some responsibility. Or why not set up a call with us and we'll go over your trading style, Steve has been kind enough to spend sometimes as much as 2 1/2 hrs on the phone with members to help them with their trading AT NOT COST, what other website does that?  Everyone is different with different styles etc.  We provide the ideas, you decide what to use

    also where were you last Friday when a member asked about shorting and I provided this SPY chart with a stop listed.  here's the post


    we are far from perfect here, but we do the best we can and we work hard, I'm tired of the little jabs.


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