
    Posted by sschulman on 10th of Jun 2012 at 12:35 pm

    Because - many of us subscribing to this official SPY system use the signals in various ways - not necessarily trading SPY.

    Your most recent improvement which Matt explained in a previous post here - was to use the 200 ma as a filter for deciding whether there would be an entry.

    Would it be a much extra trouble to let us know about signals from the previous (no longer official) method occur?




    Posted by tom on 11th of Jun 2012 at 10:23 am

    Hey Susan,

    Thank you for the suggestion!  I am not sure about that but we can definitely try.  The edits Matt made did not really affect many trades from my memory and just filtered out a few trades that Matt didn't feel comfortable with and was able to define a rule to just remove those. 

    Using a long term moving average to help gauge trend is NOT new but possibly Matt never shared what he was using but again that was a NOT a change.  The only new thing that came about referencing the 200 day, to my knowledge, is a stop that uses the 200 day MA that I know Matt has shared and explained before in the Community.

    The only reason I say try is because we utilize alerts from the system and now the code is written to alert using the new rules.  We would have to manually recognize the old condition existing and that it was being filtered.  Not impossible but just adds another wrinkle.  I may be able to just upload an old version of the system and put it into a different workspace but honestly shouldn't come into play very often in my opinion.


    Posted by sschulman on 11th of Jun 2012 at 05:02 pm

    I seeeee. OK, thanks Tom.  :-)



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