kalinm, interesting observations.  We will see.  Every time I think there's going to be serious selling (high volume, dramatic decline), something comes along and negates it.  Not many talking heads (e.g., cnbc guests, for what they're worth) are predicting such a sell-off, although I notice Joe Terranova seems to see downside risk everywhere.

    Just be careful, I wouldn't bet anything, much less the farm (or even the chicken coup) on the sell-off prediction.  Or, at the very least, be sure you short into resistance w/ a tight stop!

    Shorting at Tuesday's high on

    Posted by kalinm on 3rd of May 2012 at 08:47 pm

    Shorting at Tuesday's high on the $NDX was basically shorting at the 50% fib retrace level (of the entire bear market decline).  I see a lot of people thinking a last rally to 1480 or so; that would mean the QQQ (presumeably) to new highs?  I'm not seeing that with the way AAPL is acting.  The reaction of the $NDX off that 50% fib retrace really caught my attention.  Also, important tops tend to happen with the majority expecting that one last move (March 2009 bottom, Aug 2011 top).  

    The other thing is that this market has crashed in each of the last four years.  Yes, crashed -- only to be revived by QE1, QE2 and Twist.  Twist is ending.  Is it that easy?  Seems to co-incidental that May 1st has marked an important top in the last two years, and maybe it was this year ($INDU made multi-year high today).  Just as I thought "Santa Rally" was too easy, I overthought it.  The charts are showing multiple warnings.  And now we are getting serious shots over our bow (Denninger points this out): GMCR, RIMM, FSLR, NFLX, CS, DB -- major companies not just casually selling off, but outright crashing.

    One well-known market service that

    Posted by frtaylor on 3rd of May 2012 at 09:02 pm

    One well-known market service that I had a trial subscription with issued an upside SPX target of 1449 a month or more ago.  When we recently regained 1392, he issued a buy signal for the SPX. I can't name them, due to the agreement w/ them for subscribers (even trial memberships), but it's a well known person who worked for a major financial house for years before retiring a few years ago.  Anyway, if we do reach a higher high, I will be looking to take a modest short position.

    Charles Nenner made that forecast

    Posted by sethbru on 4th of May 2012 at 01:43 am

    Charles Nenner made that forecast in a recent interview.

    Guy has been nothing but

    Posted by freddy123321 on 4th of May 2012 at 06:57 am

    Guy has been nothing but a bear and now he is bullish. Figures.

    there are quite a few

    Posted by Palladin on 3rd of May 2012 at 10:42 pm

    there are quite a few "services" calling for 1550 - 1600 SPX. Marketclub, Long Short Timing, TrendTimer (bullish, no target) and many more I don't feel like remembering (hurts my head). What makes your guy worth considering? Give us a hint... hopefully it's not Prechter Smile

    so is the target still

    Posted by xxnileshxx on 3rd of May 2012 at 09:51 pm

    so is the target still 1449 or do you have the higher number that you can share

    harveykoss- I have not read anything

    Posted by matt on 3rd of May 2012 at 09:02 pm

    harveykoss- I have not read anything about it, but I remember Steve telling me that Goldman Sachs is expecting a miss around 125, again I have not verified that and Steve is away with his kids tonight to a game.  The last report was a disappointment last last month so obviously it will be heavily looked at this time.   I guess we'll see...

    Kind of funny that there

    Posted by kalinm on 3rd of May 2012 at 09:15 pm

    Kind of funny that there is so much anticipation for this number, but it is proven to be inaccurate (at best), revised after the fact, and old news.  Biderman's firm, Trimtabs, gets daily employment numbers from publicly available tax receipt info.  His numbers never jive with the "announcement".... but they can fudge and revise anyway.  Here is his rant about it:




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