Website Enhancement

    Posted by rgoodwin on 26th of Aug 2008 at 02:35 pm

    Matt, I would pay extra if there was a way to take a particluar post and place it into something like my own mailbox. That way, during trading hours, if you see something you aren;t necessarily having to scroll back through looking for it, which wouldn;t be an issue if I would remember to note the topic, date, time, and person it came from! Surprised

    rgoodwin - that feature will be

    Posted by matt on 26th of Aug 2008 at 02:43 pm

    rgoodwin - that feature will be available on the new website!  It's already being developed, in fact there is going to be a whole user back end where you guys can set alerts on stocks on the Watch List, communicate with others, set favorites, etc.  BTW, my programmer is moving across country and so development will be delayed some, but I'm still shooting for later this year

    I second that idea

    Posted by dallahoo on 26th of Aug 2008 at 02:41 pm

    I second that idea


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