Current Trade Status

    Posted by tom on 4th of Apr 2012 at 04:07 pm

    Current SPY Position:

    Single Entry:

    100% Long as of the close 4/04 at $139.86

    Multi Entry:

    40% Long as of the close 4/04 at $139.86
    20% Long as of the close 4/09 at $138.22
    20% Long as of the close 4/10 at $135.90

    What was the new system parameter?

    Posted by kalinm on 10th of Apr 2012 at 06:53 pm

    I remember that the SPY system has some new parameters after last August to prevent that from happening again.  What were they?  In my own analysis, I'm leaning to a bounce, but I'm noticing too many similarities to last August as well.

    Exactly.  I am getting out

    Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Apr 2012 at 08:31 pm

    Exactly.  I am getting out on the bounce - the trade looks too much like the trade of August 2011 for my liking.  Will be watching for overbought conditions - 60/89/144 stochastics on a 15 min chart, any day-long 60 stochastics over 80 on a 5-min chart, MACD, RSI 5 on a 60 min chart over 70, ABC wave count, etc. to help find the exit. Also, if it's a decent bounce, I will put a stop-loss just above entry.

    What is the "that" your

    Posted by tom on 11th of Apr 2012 at 09:06 am

    What is the "that" your referring to?

    Otherwise you can review the changes Matt made to the system HERE .

    Thanks for reposting that link

    Posted by sschulman on 11th of Apr 2012 at 04:35 pm

    What a nice video - informative and heartfelt. Tom thanks for reposting it - I only vaguely remembered it. Too much multitasking makes me forgetful! :-)



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