
    Posted by tom on 1st of Jun 2011 at 04:09 pm

    As many of you are learning the System is dynamic and an alert from yesterday does not necessarily convert to today.  We will sent an official alert and post once another trigger is made clear.

    As it current stands, the SPY System has no open position (i.e. is in cash) and is waiting for the next signal.

    newbie question

    Posted by gibmo on 1st of Jun 2011 at 05:41 pm

    I am new to using the SPY system.  Is it normal for the majority of trade signals to come down to the final 5-10 minutes in the trading day before they are given?

    trade notice....

    Posted by burkmere on 1st of Jun 2011 at 07:16 pm

    BPT tries to give a heads up during the day for a buy. It will appear at the top with the "sticky.". The "heads up" will include the instruction for levels for a buy, etc. but will note that this level can change throughout the day so check near the close. Today was unusual in that no warning was given until the close was near as the selloff was much more severe than expected. Again, generally, it is more obvious much earlier that there may be a potential buy signal. I hope I saved BPT some time by posting this. ;)

    Yep thats the case, thx

    Posted by matt on 1st of Jun 2011 at 08:26 pm

    Yep thats the case, thx Burk

    Thanks Tom and Matt; Yes,

    Posted by ditch on 1st of Jun 2011 at 05:28 pm

    Thanks Tom and Matt; Yes, when I thought about it, the answer came to me, the reason I went long was the system triggered a buy but actually it didn't so I sold the SSO that I'd just bought. I made a nickle per share so that worked out good and I'll go into the morning in cash just as I did today which worked out great as I bought TZA and ZSL pre market. 

    When I got the email

    Posted by ditch on 1st of Jun 2011 at 04:28 pm

    When I got the email it was at $131.78 and now it's at $131.82 and I've bought in...... timing is everything.

    Ditch - you can sell

    Posted by matt on 1st of Jun 2011 at 04:32 pm

    Ditch - you can sell your position after hrs if you want to, if you were following the close, SPY closed at 131.87, so there is no trade for the system, very close though only 3 cents off.

    I suggest on nail bitter days to use a quote matrix, which is available with most brokers, that way you can see the prices in real time.  Or set an audio alarm.  Now after hrs SPY is below the price, but after hrs doesn't count for the system

    not in 401k from fidelity u can't

    Posted by desertrat on 1st of Jun 2011 at 04:38 pm

    Yes you can, you can

    Posted by matt on 1st of Jun 2011 at 04:44 pm

    Yes you can, you can trade after hrs in Fidelity, I have a Fidelity retirement account.  There is a link that says 'trade extended hrs' see the picture.

    No Matt, you cannot sell

    Posted by hamvestor on 1st of Jun 2011 at 04:54 pm

    No Matt, you cannot sell a security in an IRA if you bought it the same day. It would violate the "free ride" rules. The availability of AH trading does not change the analysis. BTW, I trade with Fidelity through the ATP platform.

    Yes you can, but then

    Posted by matt on 1st of Jun 2011 at 04:56 pm

    Yes you can, but then you cannot use that same money for 3 days.  However, you have say a $100,000 account, and you used only $30K for the SPY system, you still have $70K in unrestricted funds to trade with.  Now if you guys using trading 100% of your portfolio for the SPY system, then yes you would be stuck, but I'm not responsible for improper money management like that.  

    Also I built the SPY system for trading SPY, not other vehicles and restrictive trading accounts.  I designed it to trade SPY in a normal trading account that doesn't have tons of time restrictions etc.    Use your trading account if you have problems with your IRA etc

    Matt, I guess I owe

    Posted by hamvestor on 1st of Jun 2011 at 05:08 pm

    Matt, I guess I owe you an apology. I just set up an order to sell a security I bought earlier today in a Fidelity IRA, and did not get the usual free ride message in the trade confirmation screen. I guess I used to get that message when the trade proceeds hadn't yet settled, and I'm now in the uncustomary position 0f 90% cash. Thanks for straightening me out!

    no apologies needed please.  We are all

    Posted by matt on 1st of Jun 2011 at 05:21 pm

    no apologies needed please.  We are all friends here just trying to do the best we can and make money!  I understand that things can be confusing



    Tom -- is it possible

    Posted by puma on 1st of Jun 2011 at 04:21 pm

    Tom -- is it possible to tell is there will be a signal tomorrow if we close lower than today, or are there too many moving parts to know this soon?


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