Verizon SMS

    Posted by James_Roe on 4th of May 2011 at 05:30 pm
    Title: problems with timely delivery

    My SMS from Verizon came

    Posted by cclammers on 6th of May 2011 at 11:03 am

    My SMS from Verizon came at 5:05 ET.

    delayed SMS messages have nothing

    Posted by matt on 6th of May 2011 at 11:50 am

    delayed SMS messages have nothing to with BPT, all SMS alerts go out at the same time, however we cannot control if a carrier like Verizon decides to hold and send the messages later, or if you were out of area at the time etc.  There is only so much we can do on our end.  

    otherwise if you have a smart phone where you can receive your emails, that's the best because those are not dependent on a 3rd party, those should be received in a min or so.  I also suggest a free Gmail account since that works well, that's what I use. 

    As a back up to

    Posted by stevedfw on 6th of May 2011 at 11:58 am

    As a back up to your SMS text, I have my gmail account forward me your email as a SMS text.  You use "filter" words to only forward that specific text from BPT.  Keeps you from getting woke up in the middle of the night when the newsletter comes out late sometime. I used it with the $BPGDM GDX System and it has never failed.

    But I have been getting your SMS texts very timely on AT&T on the SPY System. 

    Just got my Verizon SMS

    Posted by CopperMtn on 5th of May 2011 at 03:08 pm

    Whatever you did James seems to have worked. I just received the SMS at 3:05 PM ET.


    Posted by jsk1 on 5th of May 2011 at 12:44 am



    Posted by sfeid on 4th of May 2011 at 05:44 pm

    James- i got a message on my iphone to check the website. I thought I would get an actionable message, like buy or sell in multi or single system...if all i get is check the website it is not going to help if i am, like I was today, out on biz with only my cell. Let me know and I will have to tee the website up on my phone and have it ready. Thx, Steve

    Verizon Data

    Posted by loraleigh on 6th of May 2011 at 06:57 am

    James-My Verizon worked well, but there is a interesting side note.  I got my notice as of 3:05 as CopperMtn above.  Then I received another message at 5:06 that said "duplicate."  That overwrote the time on the 3:05 and made it appear as if I only got it at 5:06.  That probably has nothing to do with some of the problems as everyone was watching carefully today.  But that is a little problem that Verizon customers in some locations may need to know.  Check those late messages and see if they say "Duplicate" at the top. Thanks...Loraleigh

    The later messages sent had

    Posted by matt on 4th of May 2011 at 05:51 pm

    The later messages sent had the data in the message body, however in the future the text messages and emails will not contain the actual trade data!  Instead they will say to check the website, Note this is also covered in the FAQ and should NOT be a surprise!

    this is IMPORTANT because we didn't want people setting up auto forwarding programs and sending the buy/sell signals to other websites or services.  

    You will simply have to check the website page for the trade, future emails WILL NOT contain the actual trade, they will tell you to check the website for details

    I think most would agree with me on this one, because it's very easy to set up auto forwarding


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