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Would love to see you

Renko Hybrid charts

Posted by cclammers on 15th of Oct 2012 at 02:13 pm

Would love to see you add futures to the mix.

This would be a great

New Newsletter Format

Posted by cclammers on 24th of Jan 2012 at 08:28 am

This would be a great new feature!

Title: Closing Out The Trade

I hate to sound stupid . . . but does Matt's statement on the parameters of the trade translate, at this moment to, "go long SPY if SPY closes below 131.87 and above 131.48".  My hang up, and it's probably me, is how do you define "between".  This definition would mean that if SPY closes at 131.87 or 131.48 there is NO trade.

Matt, Do you have any idea

SPX, SPY 5 min

Posted by cclammers on 8th of Jun 2011 at 10:42 am


Do you have any idea on how soon these will be available in the BPT store?

Title: I agree I agree with


Posted by cclammers on 17th of May 2011 at 04:48 pm
Title: I agree

I too purchased SSO options at the money, only I purchased June.  Just today at the close was the bid back up to the level I saw on the gap up.


Title: Extended Hours Trading Confirmation From CBOE on SPY Options

My SMS from Verizon came

Verizon SMS

Posted by cclammers on 6th of May 2011 at 11:03 am

My SMS from Verizon came at 5:05 ET.

Consider using options, you don't

SPY System

Posted by cclammers on 5th of May 2011 at 05:32 am

Consider using options, you don't need as much capital for the same or greater gains (or losses).


Thanks for the update. 

This brings up the question, are there stop losses set by the system and if so are they triggered during the day or just trade exits at the EOD?

Although the system does not

don't count chickens...

Posted by cclammers on 29th of Apr 2011 at 10:30 pm

Although the system does not call for it anyone overly concerned with overnight cataclysmic events that could take the market down significantly, events that the system could never anticipate can always use a trailing percent stop loss and sleep well at night.

SPY System and Options

Posted by cclammers on 29th of Apr 2011 at 08:55 pm

Is anyone considering using options for the SPY or other appropriate ETF's in conjunction with the systems signals?

Unless I am missing something the BPGDM and the 8 day ma were static all day.


what does "fade the gap" mean?


Can't wait until you open up membership so we can get started.

IOC - reverse H+S

Posted by cclammers on 18th of Mar 2011 at 12:52 pm

Looks like a reverse H+S to me.  Also I believe there are quite a few shorts but have no idea on how to find out.

Comments and help would be appreciated.


I would like to participate.


Posted by cclammers on 10th of Mar 2011 at 09:22 am

I would like to participate.


LNG Earnings - Confirmed

Posted by cclammers on 3rd of Mar 2011 at 09:25 am


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