It would be an interesting

    Test signal??

    Posted by philosoraptor on 3rd of May 2011 at 11:33 am


    It would be an interesting exercise to calculate the total value of shares/contracts traded in the global multiverse in order to gain exposure to the S&P500 index.

    To buy the S&P500, you can:

    - go long SPY, SSO, UPRO or a few other less liquid ETFs

    - go short SH, SDS, SPXU or a few other less liquid inverse ETFs

    - go long the e-mini ES futures contract or the original larger SP futures contract

    - trade options

    - here in the UK, you can gain exposure to the S&P500 via a Pound Sterling denominated ETF which trades during London Stock Exchange hours - how? I emailed iShares to find out: "...using proprietary pricing models that utilise futures, ADRs and proxy pricing information to indicate underlying price (as markets would be trading at different times)."

    In short, millions and millions of shares/contracts worth billions and billions - surely BPT membership represents the merest wrinkle in the space-time continuum? Ultimately, I have no idea!


    Similar ETFs

    Posted by burkmere on 3rd of May 2011 at 11:57 am

    There are also similar etfs which aren't exactly the spy, but mid-cap, etc. that are similar if one is worried about all the spy activity. In fact, I may do some of that (at my own risk, of course)...

    use this tool to find correlated ETFs to SPY

    Posted by rikkwan on 3rd of May 2011 at 01:30 pm

    this is a neat little tool that I use to find ETFs that correlate with the SPY



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