all I can say Joseph is well done. Looks good and keep it going. If its objective, I would code it and get it backtested. Many a strategy manual or automated works for a period of time but over a longer timeframe doesn't cut the grain

    If its even partially subjective then of course it can't be backtested easily


    having an automated intra day

    Posted by matt on 30th of Jul 2010 at 01:45 pm

    having an automated intra day strategy working years back is not necessary, it's better to find a decent overall strategy and have the system in real time monitor the profit curve of the system and turn itself off in bad times and back on again instead of optimizing something that works for years.  That's how many professional systems work, they don't try to find something that works perfectly all the time say on a 5 min time frame going years back, they write an intelligence into the system where it can monitor itself. 

    Of course this is not easy to do because you have to have the identical system running without a filter and then another copy of the system running that monitors the profit curve of the unmodified system and then makes adjustments to itself (they have to talk to each other), Peter's Professional systems do this, the ones he runs for hedge funds, they monitor themselves and can turn themselves on off depending on how they are trading. It's funny because we tried it by putting in really bad strategies that have maybe only 20% winners and lose consistently and it turned thos systems into profitable systems.   Anyway just FYI, peter had $70 Million short in the market yesterday at the gap up which he covered near the lows, the point is, he has big money behind those systems, not pennies

    This makes logical sense. I

    Posted by vimal on 30th of Jul 2010 at 03:34 pm

    This makes logical sense. I have an equity $ trailing stop on each of my strategies and I know for sure having analysed your MA Crossover systems that they perform sideways when Volatility is less than 25 (or broadly sideways after dealing and slippage costs).

    I am good at coding but not that far advanced to be able to code strategies to the next level whereby they switch themselves off during certain times when its not safe to trade simply because its not easy to classify objectively "unsafe trading periods". I don't think many of us retail investors are being frank

    how long has peter been

    Posted by cwa82675 on 30th of Jul 2010 at 03:12 pm

    how long has peter been doing this? he must have gonads of steel to not cover on a gap up when your holding 70

    Matt, Any chance we can

    Posted by druzin on 30th of Jul 2010 at 02:49 pm

    Matt, Any chance we can gain access to Peter's systems through BPT? That would get you many new subscribers!

    last 5 trading days

    Posted by joseph1 on 30th of Jul 2010 at 01:17 pm

    attched you will find the last 5 trading days. I`m trying to get better not worse. But you never know!!!

    Are you a good programmer?


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