TLT rising today

    Posted by kbgupta on 21st of Jul 2010 at 02:09 pm

    TLT seems to be rising all day with trending SPX. Maybe hint to future trend for SPX. We'll see got some ES to play this.

    Title: TLT break out TLT break

    Posted by darnelds on 21st of Jul 2010 at 02:21 pm
    Title: TLT break out

    Yep, deflation continues to be

    Posted by matt on 21st of Jul 2010 at 02:33 pm

    Yep, deflation continues to be a major concern, which has always been my worry. 

    As I've said so many times here, there are too many talking heads talking about inflation because we are printing money, but that's too simplistic, and the contrarian in me makes me think that Deflation will be the problem instead

    Prechter's Deflation Theory

    Posted by tradequick on 21st of Jul 2010 at 04:54 pm

    Only this last year, have I started to think along the lines of deflation rather than inflation after reading Prechter's ideas on the subject.  I really don't understand what he says; but, if we have a fractional reserve banking system where money is created out of nothing, then, when defaults occur, does that money just disappear?  And is it true that when money and liquidity begin to disappear, then government won't be able to print money fast enough to replace it during a  massive contraction? Or can the government just throw money out of helicopters and solve the deflation problem?  I know Prechter says "no".  I wish I understood why!

    tradequick - exactly, the debt

    Posted by matt on 21st of Jul 2010 at 05:00 pm

    tradequick - exactly, the debt levels would overwhelm the printing presses if the fiat system started to implode.

    I know that I always post this video, but it really explains how money and debt work:


    money printing

    Posted by mamaduck on 21st of Jul 2010 at 06:39 pm
    Title: deflation / inflation

    mamaduck - let's hope none

    Posted by matt on 22nd of Jul 2010 at 01:49 am

    mamaduck - let's hope none of us have to go through all that, though honestly I'm not sure how they are ever going to work off all this debt

    Time for me to get some sleep, see ya guys tomorrow!

    Matt, some time ago I

    Posted by tradequick on 21st of Jul 2010 at 05:27 pm

    Matt, some time ago I watched that video twice--the second time with a lot of stops and starts and thinking.  If that video is true, won't the great mass of people fall off the big treadmill?  Mind you, I cannot argue otherwise.

    Then won't the government itself fall and chaos appear? Maybe marshall law will hold things together (perhaps that explains the big TASR rally today) I think Prechter thinks that civil order will endure and fiat money will be king.  I just don't know.

    well, let's hope they can

    Posted by matt on 22nd of Jul 2010 at 01:38 am

    well, let's hope they can keep it going for a long time

    fiat money will cease to exist

    Posted by perthx on 21st of Jul 2010 at 05:56 pm

    at some point when civil unrest is bad enough, when the barter system and hoarding have replaced all other forms of transactions, some totalitarian authority is empowered to create a new fiat currency. 

    In that day, I still want to own some gold and silver coins if I haven't bartered them all away by that point.

    well, as Jim Morrison said,

    Posted by Michael on 21st of Jul 2010 at 09:16 pm

    well, as Jim Morrison said, no one gets out of here alive.....

    Matt Could you take a look

    Posted by shellysan on 21st of Jul 2010 at 02:57 pm


    Could you take a look at the daily of TLT.  Appears there are several negative divergences in place as it approaches it's last high agin, thanks



    Yes there are divergences, but

    Posted by matt on 21st of Jul 2010 at 03:02 pm

    Yes there are divergences, but it could easily push higher again if it waned too


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