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Posted by tradequick on 2nd of Jun 2011 at 02:06 pm

Nice chart.

SPX 5m

Posted by tradequick on 20th of Oct 2010 at 10:40 pm

Thanks for pointing out that megaphone top.

Another bullish count.


Posted by tradequick on 27th of Aug 2010 at 02:04 pm

I'm new to EW Analysis, and I'm trying to get my bearings with all the waves within waves.  Anyway this is my best guess of where we are:$SPX&p=W&st=2006-01-01&en=2011-01-15&id=p32834174970&a=207140150

As my chart shows, we are in wave Primary[C] of Cycle II.  The 5-wave Primary[C] is going up and we may be just be starting Intermediate wave (2) to the up side.  Primary[C] could take us up well into next year.  When it completes, Cycle II will also be complete, and it will be bombs away to the downside as we enter 5-wave Cycle III to the downside.

Like I said I'm new to trading and to EW analysis.  Just throwing this out.  I may even have the waves mixed up.  Comments appreciated.

Title: Another Dangerous Pattern Sam Collins

SPX Daily

Posted by tradequick on 19th of Aug 2010 at 11:48 am
Title: Another Dangerous Pattern
Title: No image.
Title: This EW count probable?

Title: Big difference in FreeStockCharts

TLT breakout

Posted by tradequick on 14th of Aug 2010 at 11:07 pm
Title: Big difference in FreeStockCharts and SharpCharts for TLT!

Title: TLT FreeStockChart Correct? Your chart

TLT breakout

Posted by tradequick on 14th of Aug 2010 at 01:45 pm
Title: TLT FreeStockChart Correct?

I think this was the


Posted by tradequick on 11th of Aug 2010 at 10:23 am

I think this was the article: .

Thanks for the link to his blog.  There is a radio interview there.  The guy sounds good, but what do I know?  I signed on for a free period as a subscriber.  He has a nice site.  I'm going to check it out.

Thanks for the tip.  I've

Newer Trader Tip

Posted by tradequick on 4th of Aug 2010 at 11:17 am

Thanks for the tip.  I've bookmarked it.

Title: Thanks for posting.

United States' Debt-Burdened Economy

Posted by tradequick on 26th of Jul 2010 at 11:00 pm
Title: Bill Bonner on what to expect.

Mike Swanson may close short position.

Posted by tradequick on 23rd of Jul 2010 at 03:38 pm
Title: View Comments

Matt, some time ago I

TLT rising today

Posted by tradequick on 21st of Jul 2010 at 05:27 pm

Matt, some time ago I watched that video twice--the second time with a lot of stops and starts and thinking.  If that video is true, won't the great mass of people fall off the big treadmill?  Mind you, I cannot argue otherwise.

Then won't the government itself fall and chaos appear? Maybe marshall law will hold things together (perhaps that explains the big TASR rally today) I think Prechter thinks that civil order will endure and fiat money will be king.  I just don't know.

Prechter's Deflation Theory

TLT rising today

Posted by tradequick on 21st of Jul 2010 at 04:54 pm

Only this last year, have I started to think along the lines of deflation rather than inflation after reading Prechter's ideas on the subject.  I really don't understand what he says; but, if we have a fractional reserve banking system where money is created out of nothing, then, when defaults occur, does that money just disappear?  And is it true that when money and liquidity begin to disappear, then government won't be able to print money fast enough to replace it during a  massive contraction? Or can the government just throw money out of helicopters and solve the deflation problem?  I know Prechter says "no".  I wish I understood why!

5 min SPX - auto refresh tool

Posted by tradequick on 21st of Jul 2010 at 04:07 pm

Thanks for thinking of those folks that don't have a subscription to StockCharts.  That was me until yesterday when I went whole hog with the "extra" and "real time" options.  Now, I couldn't be more pleased.  After struggling with GoogleFinance charts since last October when I started trading my own 401K account, I feel like I have put on a pair of glasses--I can see what's going on--now I can draw trend lines and fibs.  That was really hard to do on those free Google Charts, and they had a nasty habit of freezing up when you got a dozen charts open at once.

Anyway I really appreciate your charts and the web addresses that you give out that allow non-members of StockCharts to get intraday stuff.  That was a big advance for me.  It's really easy to bookmark them and just keep clicking through them to stay updated, even without a membership in StockCharts.  Ironically, it was you furnishing this free access to StockCharts that convinced me that I had to have the real thing.

That said, I recommend that, if someone out there is learning to trade like me, get StockCharts.  It's well worth it.

Short Market Now?

Posted by tradequick on 21st of Jul 2010 at 11:16 am
Title: Mike Swanson of WallStreetWindow buys SDS

Thanks for the history lesson--it

History lesson

Posted by tradequick on 16th of Jul 2010 at 01:59 pm

Thanks for the history lesson--it kept me from bailing on SDS a few minutes ago.    What do you see happening into the close today?

Title: Wow!


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