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My week ahead road map.

Posted by ssaffer on 5th of Apr 2020 at 12:43 pm

My week ahead road map.   What I have learned in my travels is to have a defined trading plan for the week so you can adjust accordingly, as we allow price action to tell us which way the road is going.  I have labelled some pathways.   A - We sell off Monday into Wave C target.  B - Market moves up into R1 on Monday, then goes lower into Wave C target, then Moves up into the target resistance zones to the final target R3 area, C - Market just blasts off into the final target area of R3.  D - Market tanks Monday and continues to sell off breaking down retest the lows.  

I do not know the answer to this but how do hard assets  do during a depression? 

A chart to ponder.

Posted by ssaffer on 4th of Apr 2020 at 05:15 pm

A chart to ponder.

SP500 Downtrend forming?  This week

Posted by ssaffer on 4th of Apr 2020 at 04:59 pm

SP500 Downtrend forming?  This week could be telling.

AHPI.   Energy is building. 

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Apr 2020 at 08:41 pm

AHPI.   Energy is building. 

i bought some on the

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Apr 2020 at 08:23 pm

i bought some on the pullback in the beginning of the week.  Thanks!   

CODX.  Going for a boat ride on Monday!  Up 41% in AH.   I did put out  a  message on CODX from a chart perspective it was near the 50 day MA and good entry point, that was 4/02. 

Is it different this time?

Until the SPY closes above 290 on a Weekly chart, it is in play.  

SPY Monthly.   My longer

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Apr 2020 at 02:01 pm

SPY Monthly.   My longer term target ( With the volatility of the market it could be in a couple of weeks) green box.   The Monthly chart helps me with the overall view of the market and it tells me right now, every rally is to be sold.   Look for critical resistance areas to go short (This week is was the 260 area as that is the underside of the big ugly red candle from March.  if we break above that resistance then next area is 270-280ish.   Just my two cents.

Went short at the open.

Posted by ssaffer on 3rd of Apr 2020 at 01:40 pm

Went short at the open.  Just day trading now and will close out soon.   So many head fakes, this type of market will take your money from both sides.  Look forward to a nice bike ride and a dram of Scotch later.    I started a position in "DRV" yesterday.   could be a nice long term play, although right now I am not holding anything more than 3 days and def not going into the weekend.  

GBTC reversing.   Jumped out

Posted by ssaffer on 2nd of Apr 2020 at 02:46 pm

GBTC reversing.   Jumped out of that trade and went into CODX.  


Posted by ssaffer on 2nd of Apr 2020 at 02:33 pm


It is going to be

Crude lifting on supply cuts talks

Posted by ssaffer on 2nd of Apr 2020 at 02:14 pm

It is going to be Trump's new talking point, he ran the China deal tweets, etc,.. and got a lot of mileage out of that one when he needed to pump the markets. 

What is most troubling is that with all that money. not one new manufacturing plant here in US (at least with the public companies that were doing all the buybacks).   All overseas, now who is paying the price for it?  Us.   With this Covid-19 has cast a bright light on how vulnerable our supply chain is.     Healthcare workers are wondering why they cannot get masks and the proper PPE equipment.   

Talk about front running the

Posted by ssaffer on 2nd of Apr 2020 at 01:58 pm

Talk about front running the markets for over a decade.  $5.3 trillion in stock buybacks.   So far we have lost over $17 trillion in the market since Feb.   

Thanks for posting.  I think BTC will catch favor.


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