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AOBC.  Ammo.   Nice move

Posted by ssaffer on 20th of Apr 2020 at 01:45 pm

AOBC.  Ammo.   Nice move today.     Guns, Gold and Beans!

I can.  not a lot

Can you even believe this!

Posted by ssaffer on 20th of Apr 2020 at 01:24 am

I can.  not a lot of common sense today. 

NYC has lost $10 billion in revenues.  How do you make that up?  Economy was sputtering in 2019.   Trillions went into the market by way of buybacks, we are at 125% to GDP with the trillions pumped into the market.  IT has been propped up like Weekend at Bernies for the last ty\wo years.  

You can cannot buy GDP.  

It is a sham.  How long can people wait until they have to close their doors for good?  Owners cannot float everyone's pay for too much longer.  

We are closer to ta

SPX Weekly View Updated

Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Apr 2020 at 08:06 pm

We are closer to ta top then a bottom.    So much debating on this website of late tells we will soon find out.  

Price and time.  That's it.   TA gives you  clues to possible outcomes.   Look for the highest % probable set ups ( and time frame) for trades.  Then it is position size and defining your stops/risk.   Most important lessons for me were money/risk management.   

We haven't learned the lessons from 2008.  Trillions being thrown at the problem,  inflating asset prices and we have no price discovery.   It will end bad again.  Too those who think you can inflate to a new bull market and stronger economy you are going to be fooled again.   Like having a stent put into unclog your veins so you do not die of a heart attack, but if you keep living the same lifestyle that lead you to have clogged veins, you will die of a heart attach, just a matter of time.  Now, if you change your lifestyle (implement exercise and a healthy diet) then you can recover and go on to live for many more years.  

An absolute Sham!  I have friends who are small business owners (have 2-10 employees) and can not get these small business loans that are being touted.  It is all BS.  Small business are being wiped out by the day.  AMZN hits new highs because it is basically the only game in town and it was set up perfectly for Covid-19.   Not a healthy economy longer term.  

I want my free new car.   

crazy but Have to follow

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Apr 2020 at 12:07 pm

crazy but Have to follow the money.  

My final summation:

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Apr 2020 at 03:17 am

My final summation:

The economy is better now than it was in the fourth quarter 2019.   GDP is accelerating.  Biggest ponzi scheme of all time.   When the time comes inflation will rip up, and the only way  out for the fed is to have to raise rates = bad for the stock market.   Until then  I will ride the Ponzi until it is over.    There is a rotation out of metals right now into the markets.  I suspect once the dust settles, Gold and Silver will be great entries at the end of this month.  

I bought XLK back in mid march and has had a monster move.  Cashed out today.   You can be bullish and bearish at the same time ( I guess I am transgender). 

Trillions flooded by the Fed, Fed buying ETF's.  That is keeping fuel on the fire for now.   I try to refrain from taking a subjective outlook because most times I am wrong.   The debt market is the mother of all markets.   Keep an eye on the Libor spread over the next couple of weeks.    And oil is still selling off.  That is what backs the USD.   A lot of moving parts.  Anyway.   It was a great week to be alive!  Time for some drinks.  

Hey - I didn't thrown in the towel just yet.  i have been building a June 2022 SPY put options for a month and trading long scalps using( UPRO) around it.   In March 20-25 week i was buying call options on tech and healthcare.  I sold most of them this week.      

Closed out all my short trades on the indexes at 3:30.  and went long XLF.  

Cashed in at the Zoo today.   

Steve - thanks for the heads up.  

I would wait in a break above the channel and then put a stop at the low of the week if I were to trade that.  


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