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AHPI.  Low risk entry here

Posted by ssaffer on 15th of Apr 2020 at 01:03 pm

AHPI.  Low risk entry here looks like.  Tight stop just below the 50 day ma on the Daily.  

Holding onto my "LAKE" as I like the triple bottom off of the Daily chart.  If it breaks the neckline around $18- could see a nice move north to $20 area. 

No panic selling, so far

VIX 60 min follow up

Posted by ssaffer on 15th of Apr 2020 at 12:39 pm

No panic selling, so far that means people are looking at this as a pullback.  See where it settles in the next day. 

VIR setting up next.  

MRNA pops intraday

Posted by ssaffer on 15th of Apr 2020 at 12:37 pm

VIR setting up next.  

It all depends on your

SPX 60 View Updated

Posted by ssaffer on 14th of Apr 2020 at 05:37 pm

It all depends on your time frame.   The overall trend is still Bearish until we break above to new highs?   Short term I would say there is a bullish Bias (next couple of weeks), the key will be all the earnings and GDP towards the end of this month.   I trade a 5 min chart during the day, so today there was a bullish bias, so I would buy into the dips during the day and then today I went short near the close because the market is overbought, up against some hard resistance on the Daily chart.  Monthly and Weekly charts are still bearish.  I follow the overall trend for my bias on trades.  Then you can be bearish on certain sectors (real estate, Retail and be Bullish on Healthcare, Grocery chains, Costco, etc..).  That is why Matt and Steve have different trading systems too, to fit your style.  But again, it is all relative to your trading style, parameters, my humble opinion.  

DSLV@16.64  These are just my

Posted by ssaffer on 14th of Apr 2020 at 01:55 pm

DSLV@16.64  These are just my trades, so not trading advice to anyone.  


Posted by ssaffer on 14th of Apr 2020 at 01:54 pm



Posted by ssaffer on 14th of Apr 2020 at 01:22 pm


$VIX on the 60 min

Posted by ssaffer on 14th of Apr 2020 at 12:49 pm

$VIX on the 60 min outside the BB now back in.  Could see a pullback in the markets tomorrow.  

My Favorite type of short

Posted by ssaffer on 14th of Apr 2020 at 12:46 pm

My Favorite type of short set up.  FB on the Daily.  

AMZN monster move and almost

Posted by ssaffer on 14th of Apr 2020 at 01:12 am

AMZN monster move and almost to new highs.   Clear winners and losers in this Covid-19 market.   

ZM and TDOC both winners during Covid-19.  

I am not so sure that inflation will tick up anytime soon as the velocity of money is just not there.  The average Joe is not getting money, only circulating into the financial institutions.  Gold and Silver going up because no trust and the massive debt the Fed is creating.  But inflation I do not see it yet.  

My personal opinion is  you

Posted by ssaffer on 13th of Apr 2020 at 12:02 am

My personal opinion is  you have to be a little nuts to stand in front of this run away freight train in real estate or the MBS market.

There is high probability that we are not in a 'V" shaped recovery.  Most of the Bear markets in history had a retest or a lower low "flush" before it finally bottomed out.   

I am going to keep my eye on that chart.   The break over the triangle would be a good entry.

They injected LQD with massive amounts of Heroine last Thursday,  have to see how the experiment pans out.   

If we pull back to the Weekly Chart,  The wave count seems to be W-X-Y corrective to final (y)/4 flush.    This is all speculative  But in play until it is validated by breaking above the 61.8% retracement.,   Looks like a hammer from last weeks candle and the Full Stoch has not even crossed up yet.   Caution.  

Thats not good.  Seems like the GILD drug is only thing so far showing some efficacy.  


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