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$Silver - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 14th of May 2015 at 06:56 am

Silver - There is a 'Channel' and a 'Triangle' on the lower time-frames.

There is a 'Doji' at the Bull 'Flag' objective seen on the Daily.

The weekly shows good action look at the McD & Volume - RSI attempting to break zero line.

While the actual charts of $Silver shows healthy breakouts on the Daily and Weekly!!.

Raising Stops on remainder...

USD - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 14th of May 2015 at 06:43 am

UUP has tagged its first objective.

While the daily shows a slip below the 50%Fib line and the 'tri' and Bull 'Flag' objectives are at and just below the 62% Fib -- Notice the 150/MA also at this juncture.

Intra-day - 30 Min we see the potential for a bounce from the parallel line, with pos divergences...

STP - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 13th of May 2015 at 12:53 pm

Almost out of the first third...

GEX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 13th of May 2015 at 12:22 pm

Has jumped above the 'Tri-Star' type set up and so am hopeful for the weekly pattern to reach its objective.

Have stops at 3 various levels below 10/DMA on a close basis...

STP - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 13th of May 2015 at 12:07 pm

Starting to ease out of a third position bit by bit as it heads into the danger zone  - Rolling stops up to in profit on remaining two/thirds...

SPX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 13th of May 2015 at 10:54 am

Caught up in the lower time-frame averages wondering which way to go. Yesterdays recovery was impressive and kept me long- now we need the follow through.

We may have seen a back-test of the breakdown line  - But there is a potential Inv pattern forming. I have cashed in satellite trades, and am unhedged long...

$USD - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 13th of May 2015 at 10:42 am

USD - Negated the Inv 'H&S' and may have negated the Bullish 'Wedge' too.

Heading to the first pattern objective on its UUP proxy. -

10/DMA is the first resistance. Which is aligned with the down-trend resistance (Blue Dotted)

STP - Latest...

What ddo I do now?...

Posted by saturn6 on 13th of May 2015 at 09:58 am

Hanging in for more, looking to slice a third for a double...

GDX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 13th of May 2015 at 09:40 am

Took broke the resistance line on the pop, may want t re-test it from above and maybe form a RS//...Whichever we are above the mid Black Dotted, and may ride the top BB up......

SLV - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 13th of May 2015 at 09:32 am

Patience pays...'Flag' Objective achieved...

FTSE - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 13th of May 2015 at 05:52 am

FTSE - Has two patterns that dictate different directions...The Inv 'H&S' (Black Dotted) that implies higher prices and the 'H&S' (Blue Shading) that implies lower prices.

F or now price needs to get above the averages intra-day...

$USD - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 13th of May 2015 at 05:33 am

USD - Confirmed the Bearish 'Morning Star' on the daily as it failed at the 10/MA so see if the 50%Fib can hold it..

Narrowing in on the intra-day we see the Bullish 'Wedge' is still a player, also we can now determine a potential Inv 'H&S'...

SPX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 12th of May 2015 at 03:32 pm

Recovered nicely and filled the 'Gap' Leaving a 'Hammer' on the 20/DMA...

SLV - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 12th of May 2015 at 03:30 pm

'Pennant' after the break...

GDX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 12th of May 2015 at 03:29 pm

Pressing the line again...

Good idea!...

What ddo I do now?...

Posted by saturn6 on 12th of May 2015 at 03:13 pm

I'll sell a few hundred K at resistance and keep the majority with stops split at entry and in profit...

What ddo I do now?...

Posted by saturn6 on 12th of May 2015 at 02:44 pm

Greece - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 12th of May 2015 at 01:51 pm

Greece Effectively Defaults To IMF Using SDR Reserves To "Repay" Fund; 1 Month Countdown Begins

Greece tapped emergency reserves in its holding account
- at the IMF in order to make a 750 million euro payment.. to... the Fund on Monday
- meaning that, as predicted,.... the IMF is now paying itself.
Athens has one month to.... replenish the account. (Where from :o)4
Meanwhile, the Fund has indicated... it ...wants no part of another Greek bailout.

And just to confirm how terminal the situation for Greece is, MarketNews just reported that Greece now has a paltry €90 million in cash reserves left. The end of the world's most drawn out tragicomedy is finally nigh. ;-/


SLV - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 12th of May 2015 at 11:31 am

GDX:GLD is currently above the 20/MA on the hourly, Daily and Weekly. Also has a potential Inv 'H&S' being plotted...

SLV - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 12th of May 2015 at 11:00 am

The Black Dotted did indeed offer support - looking for a breakout of the Red Dotted resistance and the Bu;; 'Flag' on the Daily...


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