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Nice call Steve - was

SPX 10 Updated

Posted by racerick on 3rd of Aug 2022 at 10:19 am

Nice call Steve - was able to pick up some MES at 4093 real early this am- just sold at 4134, will re-enter if it breaks over that line or pulls back to some support

Y, same on 3min ES

Nq 1min h&s ....

Posted by racerick on 8th of Jul 2022 at 12:41 pm

Y, same on 3min ES that measures about 20 pts from 3902

I'll post you a detailed reply later tonight

Peeling off 1/2 of XBI

Posted by racerick on 8th of Jul 2022 at 11:15 am

Peeling off 1/2 of XBI and LABU here. Over 20pts on XBI and 5 on LABU. Thanks Matt and Steve

Nice little bull flag BO

Posted by racerick on 8th of Jul 2022 at 11:12 am

Nice little bull flag BO on ES 3 & 5 min charts here, worth about 4 pts

Nice 20 point bounce off

Posted by racerick on 8th of Jul 2022 at 09:09 am

Nice 20 point bounce off 1 hour 50ma on ES. Higher payrolls make it higher possibility that Fed sticks to another .75 hike

Gold in free fall past

Posted by racerick on 6th of Jul 2022 at 11:15 am

Gold in free fall past couple of hours

This may help the bullish

Posted by racerick on 4th of Jul 2022 at 02:30 am

This may help the bullish thesis for the short term

Nice wick on gold futures

Posted by racerick on 1st of Jul 2022 at 05:04 pm

Nice wick on gold futures today

Matt, Nice call on Gold

Posted by racerick on 1st of Jul 2022 at 07:53 am

Matt, Nice call on Gold last night - made a beautiful bear flag on 15min chart from about 11:30 till 1 ish, then broke for a quick 5-6 points before dropping for another 10 after chopping around some.

Sellers took the night off.

Posted by racerick on 23rd of Jun 2022 at 10:53 pm

Sellers took the night off. ES at 3822 now. One bull flag after another since about 9.

BTC on the hourly has

Posted by racerick on 22nd of Jun 2022 at 11:56 am

BTC on the hourly has a nice H&S forming. Right at neckline now.

Peeling off 25% of my

Posted by racerick on 22nd of Jun 2022 at 10:58 am

Peeling off 25% of my SSO here. Still long XBI and LABU. Nice call guys.

Market's getting slammed here as

Posted by racerick on 22nd of Jun 2022 at 03:17 am

Market's getting slammed here as Europe opens. ES futures just hit 3699, trying to bounce a little. Oil down $6

I don't know. I was

SPY system open trade comments

Posted by racerick on 15th of Jun 2022 at 10:51 pm

I don't know. I was using Tradestation heavy in the 2004-2006 time frame when SPX was about 1200 and it froze up all the time then too, LOL.  Have used Fidelity and TOS pretty much since. Hard to beat the charting in TOS and I can use to trade futures and forex, though their commissions a little higher, they will negoatiate if you're active. . Fidelity has best executions, especially on options and large stock trades.

BTC banging down at 21,000. 

Posted by racerick on 13th of Jun 2022 at 09:54 pm

BTC banging down at 21,000.  This could get interesting to see how MSTR handles a margin call if needed

BTC getting taken to the

Posted by racerick on 12th of May 2022 at 02:54 am

BTC getting taken to the woodshed again tonight, down 2700 at the moment

Oil nice bounce right off

Posted by racerick on 11th of May 2022 at 07:35 am

Oil nice bounce right off it's lower TL on the hourly during night.

Gold futures slightly undercut an

Posted by racerick on 11th of May 2022 at 07:22 am

Gold futures slightly undercut an old R line, now support S at around  1835 during the night. So happens the 50ma on the weekly and the 200ma on the daily were both right at there too, something that's kind of rare to see, and something that gold usually has at least some reaction to individually.  Pretty good odds we were going to get reaction between all 3, caught it at 1832.70 coming off 1830.6 low. Felt strong enough to put a 5 pt stop on it.  Nice to wake up to a 20 pt move up. Now begs the question whether to just sit on and hope we have low in on gold for awhile and let it ride or sell. Unfortunately only took one contract.


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