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Ouch - Hasn't really hurt

Posted by racerick on 29th of Mar 2021 at 06:18 am

Ouch - Hasn't really hurt our futures that much so far, wonder if it will once market opens

Gotten some considerable selling here

Posted by racerick on 25th of Mar 2021 at 08:08 am

Gotten some considerable selling here past 90 min. Trying a few long futures positions near some lower support areas. Gold, IWM and ES


Posted by racerick on 9th of Mar 2021 at 09:04 am


No one wanted gold or

Posted by racerick on 9th of Mar 2021 at 08:59 am

No one wanted gold or Naz yesterday, since about 2am, both have been melting up

Have a little inverse H&S

Update on symmetry

Posted by racerick on 8th of Mar 2021 at 01:27 pm

Have a little inverse H&S on my 5 min ES chart if it can break over 3879.50ish that measures about 25 pts. Big if though so far. Lot of R up here. Keeps getting rejected

Using this rate spike here

Posted by racerick on 4th of Mar 2021 at 12:44 pm

Using this rate spike here to pick up a sampling size of some TLT 140 calls

Got long gold at 1707.

Posted by racerick on 3rd of Mar 2021 at 08:38 am

Got long gold at 1707. Have moved stop to 08. Would like to hold for a swing if possible.

Wow - ES up 100

Posted by racerick on 1st of Mar 2021 at 02:43 pm

Wow - ES up 100 pts, dont see this every day.

Any idea why it's been


Posted by racerick on 25th of Feb 2021 at 08:42 am

Any idea why it's been plunging? Down 50% since 1st of year.

Euro has been ripping higher

Posted by racerick on 25th of Feb 2021 at 04:29 am

Euro has been ripping higher most of the night, nice BO  of a cup & handle on 4hr chart. So far not helping gold which has been trending down slightly 

Like the Cryptocurrencies section -

Posted by racerick on 22nd of Feb 2021 at 10:53 pm

Like the Cryptocurrencies section - But does that foretell the top, lol

Just saw this tweet on

TSLA higher low method worked well

Posted by racerick on 22nd of Feb 2021 at 10:37 pm

Just saw this tweet on TSLA  - funny

Dollar getting killed this morning

Posted by racerick on 19th of Feb 2021 at 04:33 am

Dollar getting killed this morning against all the majors. Yellen pushing for even more stimulus. ES futures have bounced almost 30 points off overnite lows.

ZNGA and NK having a

Posted by racerick on 18th of Feb 2021 at 12:48 pm

ZNGA and NK having a good day

Has taken the elevator down

Gold futures breaking lower

Posted by racerick on 17th of Feb 2021 at 08:27 am

Gold futures breaking lower

Good article on LT commodities

Posted by racerick on 12th of Feb 2021 at 01:48 am

IWM been relatively weak all

Posted by racerick on 9th of Feb 2021 at 11:46 am

IWM been relatively weak all morning, just had a large spike in last 10 min

Found this on Twitter -

Posted by racerick on 9th of Feb 2021 at 04:26 am

Found this on Twitter - Some of you may be interested. Lot of info dedicated to SPACs  -

Gold futures Trying to break below

Posted by racerick on 4th of Feb 2021 at 01:02 am

Gold futures

Trying to break below 50ma on weekly at 1818. Hasn't closed below since 12/18.  Trying a long at and giving some room but not looking great at the moment.

Edit - It undercut the support about 1.5 points and then made nice bounce up to VWAP around 1824.50. I'm out. Euro still weak so feel like it could pull back and retest low, but maybe not. Looks like it could be forming bull flag here, but I'm going to bed, lol.


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