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I have 3618ish as 50%

Posted by racerick on 14th of Oct 2022 at 11:47 am

I have 3618ish as 50% Fib from yesterday's move

Thought these results were interesting

Posted by racerick on 14th of Oct 2022 at 09:08 am

Thought these results were interesting - especially when you look out a few months

What's crazy is that with

Posted by racerick on 7th of Oct 2022 at 06:26 pm

What's crazy is that with all the gyrations and big selloff past couple of days The NAZ was basically up a 1/2% this week.  Personally sure doesn't feel like it.

Fair amount of news and

Posted by racerick on 6th of Oct 2022 at 07:14 am

Fair amount of news and Fed speak today

Nice little pop here when it broke the 5min down TL from about 2am - about 8 pts

Going to be a heck

Posted by racerick on 4th of Oct 2022 at 03:35 am

Going to be a heck of a gap in the morning if this holds -NAZ futures up right at 200 and ES over 50 at the moment

Hope all our FL members

Posted by racerick on 30th of Sep 2022 at 09:51 am

Hope all our FL members ok. Hitting us here in SC now. HD and LOW will make bank in the south for the next year.

No relief from Fed anytime

Posted by racerick on 30th of Sep 2022 at 08:34 am

No relief from Fed anytime soon it looks like with this number.

Yes, had a nice bull flag on hourly that triggered. Hate I missed it

Interesting TNX down on the

Posted by racerick on 21st of Sep 2022 at 04:16 pm

Interesting TNX down on the day. closed at 35.1 off 36.2 high

Futures not wasting anytime selling

Posted by racerick on 15th of Sep 2022 at 06:03 pm

Futures not wasting anytime selling this evening. Dropping hard right at the open.

Gold getting hammered. GC bounced

Posted by racerick on 15th of Sep 2022 at 11:08 am

Gold getting hammered. GC bounced off 1671 support area few min ago

We're at 50% fib on

Posted by racerick on 13th of Sep 2022 at 09:14 am

We're at 50% fib on this move from this whole past weeks rally

Hopefully some of you guys

Posted by racerick on 13th of Sep 2022 at 09:07 am

Hopefully some of you guys who had system shorts taking some nice profits this am. I was short from 4158 this am but had my stop too close and that 20pt spike took me out. But still have some Q puts I bought late yesterday. Long MEs now at 4036

NQ trying hard to hold

Posted by racerick on 12th of Sep 2022 at 08:34 am

NQ trying hard to hold this 12,700 level. Corresponds with VWAP level on ES also

Futures almost unanimous this morning

Posted by racerick on 9th of Sep 2022 at 08:46 am

Futures almost unanimous this morning

Caught a nice short on

Posted by racerick on 9th of Sep 2022 at 03:43 am

Caught a nice short on ES at 4035 - R1 on my charts - about 8 pts so far. Target is 3525ish, earlier overnight high

Futures nice move up at

Posted by racerick on 9th of Sep 2022 at 03:30 am

Futures nice move up at Europe open 25 point rip in 30min. If it holds, SPX will open above 50ma

If market can close anywhere

Posted by racerick on 6th of Sep 2022 at 11:10 am

If market can close anywhere up here going to be a beautiful daily candle on SPX off that lower TL

Getting a decent bounce now,

Posted by racerick on 31st of Aug 2022 at 09:12 pm

Getting a decent bounce now, 10 ES pts off the low at 3924.25. I was able to catch it long at 25.50. We had a 10 pt bounce a little earlier, so symmetry wise, this may be it, but we'll see. If it takes out this low, my next line is from July at 3913 and then the big 62% fib at 3900 ish may be the target.


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