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Posted by racerick on 3rd of Aug 2009 at 11:47 am

y, I agree, hate the place. Think it's a ripoff most the time. Reason I'm sht, but if they happen to beat or something, stk can gap 3-4 pts either way. Planning on covering most of mine prior. You're right, up strong and good news may be built in, but it's a gamble, so not what I'm into.



Posted by racerick on 3rd of Aug 2009 at 11:24 am

I'm sht from Friday, but be careful, think they report tomorrow after hours



Posted by racerick on 16th of Jul 2009 at 02:19 pm

Yeah, Congresswoman from OH nailing him


Posted by racerick on 16th of Jul 2009 at 01:45 pm

Getting BO on daily, pays about 12% div.

Welcome to room Mark

New guy introduction..

Posted by racerick on 16th of Jul 2009 at 01:00 pm


Posted by racerick on 1st of Jul 2009 at 10:32 am

Looks like we're getting our BO on the inverse H&S if it can hold. I have it measuring to about 970, is that what you guys have?


US Senior Open

Posted by racerick on 30th of Jun 2009 at 10:06 am

That's super. I'm impressed. Good luck


vix is down - will the volatility come back?

Posted by racerick on 29th of Jun 2009 at 04:19 pm

10 year average about 23. just above 200ma - 10yr - 1 yr




Posted by racerick on 29th of Jun 2009 at 03:04 pm

Everyone here should look at downloading jing. I've been using for awhile and I know Matt used for a short recording, up to 5 min. Will take you about 15min to learn to use and a ton quicker than using screencapture and then png files. Can literally pull up and post chart in about 10seconds. And it's FREE.  Think someone else posted something about the other day. Great tool.


Posted by racerick on 29th of Jun 2009 at 02:53 pm -

Green RL is my intial target on AAPL , IF we get selling- see how stock has reacted around it past 10 days. Would sell partial if not all and then wait to see if it breaks. But may not be a concern, LOL. This mkt sure acts like it wants to keep going up


Posted by racerick on 29th of Jun 2009 at 02:40 pm

Possible short setup, but see comments on BIDU below. Same applies.


Posted by racerick on 29th of Jun 2009 at 02:38 pm

y, on BIDU  should get retest, which it's doing. Won't put on a position till my 15min 50 starts to turn. When it breaks it (15min 50ma) and it's at sharp angle up like past few days, about 85-90% chance it will re-test it. If it fails and I can get a down TL then will try it.

AAPL just playing for a scalp here at the moment and Qs too.

BIDU puny

Posted by racerick on 29th of Jun 2009 at 02:06 pm

Trying to break 15min TL


Posted by racerick on 29th of Jun 2009 at 02:02 pm

I took some jul 145puts at 4.95 after that 2nd top rp

In Matt's Defense

SPX 15

Posted by racerick on 26th of Jun 2009 at 12:31 pm


As someone who as run a trading room as well as a hedge fund, Matt and Steve have to walk a very fine line. Though the SEC doesn't have time or manpower to go after the Madoffs of the world, they have plenty of resources to go after operators of investment rooms and newsletters. So you have to be extremely careful on what you say and how you say it. Why do you think Cramer says a 100 times a show if he has a position in anything he mentions? In fact, many room operators purposely will not trade the same stocks as they rec. or if they do they have to disclose.

The problem comes that when they disclose, a certain number of clients will follow them into the trade, in essence chase the trade even if it's already moved. Each person's risk tolerance and financial capability is different as well as their ability to manage a trade. So if the trade goes against them whereas they may take a small loss, the clients may take a larger loss. That can lead to suits and complaints to the SEC. Matt and Steve have often talked about there are two ways to take a trade when a stock is in a channel, well actually 3. When the stock is on the bottom of the channel, which is a little riskier, but does allow you to have tighter stops; when it initially breaks out or after it initially breaks out and retests and you buy it off the re-test, which is probably the least risk of the 3. So if Matt chose to buy GDx prior to the breakout for whatever reason, that's not necesarily something that he would share with his clients because it was a riskier trade in some respects.

RP and I trade identical, but our style of trading is definitely not for everyone, at best, very few. Reason what few posts I make tend to be real short term swings because they're based on longer term charts and are probably less risky than some because we have a lot of swing traders in here. So the point I'm trying to make is, what Matt and Steve may do personally may not be in the best interest of the majority of the traders in here. As you can see from the track record of their posted rec. taking the conservative route can be very profitable and pretty darn high percentage. Yeah, I was ticked that I missed the GDX trade too, but I was long gold futures and some other gold stocks and as Matt stated he'd been talking about it for a week.

One other quick point I'd like to make it the quality of the technical research that you get here, though I personally think a little too much emphasis given to Elliott Wave, is literally first class and way over and above board for what we pay. I 've seen and have gotten institutional technical reports that STARTED at $5000/mo that were not as frequent or comprehensive and gave way fewer trade ideas. You guys don't realize what a gift this site is. It saves me 3-4 hours/day at least.


Just What wWe Need

Posted by racerick on 25th of Jun 2009 at 01:53 pm

No, they were just talking about on cnbc. Go to Proshares home page, sure it tells all about

Just What wWe Need

Posted by racerick on 25th of Jun 2009 at 01:46 pm

New 3X SPX etfs - will take a few weeks until decent volume probably



Posted by racerick on 25th of Jun 2009 at 12:40 pm

1min 50ma giving us a fight rp

Another FDX chart

Posted by racerick on 25th of Jun 2009 at 12:17 pm - should have decent resistance here


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